What is F.O.M.O?

‘Short Shower Thoughts’ series: Episode 3.

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Gain Inspiration
1 min readJun 12, 2023


“The constant fear of missing out reminds us to cherish the moments we have and appreciate the unique path we’re on, because true fulfillment comes from being present in our own journey, not constantly longing for what we might be missing.”

To overcome FOMO, it is important to develop self-awareness and develop strategies that make us appreciate the present moment. One effective approach is to identify and prioritize our own values and goals, which can allow us to make choices aligned with our authentic desires rather than falling into traps from external pressures. Practicing mindfulness can help us stay grounded and fully engage in the present, appreciating that our current experiences and reality is temporary such as our past and future. Setting healthy boundaries with social media allows us to regain control over our time and attention, reducing the influence of constant comparison. Building meaningful connections and nurturing relationships based on genuine connection and mutual support further strengthens our sense of fulfillment. Ultimately, by focusing on our own journey and celebrating the choices we make, we can find contentment and discover the joy that comes from being present in our lives.

What do you think? How would you overcome this fear of missing out and practice self-awareness?

