Why does every movie start with a car driving?

Gain Inspiration
Published in
2 min readJul 22, 2024

Why do almost all movies I have come across so far start with a car driving along a highway that is in the middle of thick green forest with tall trees or towering mountains surrounding the narrow curvature of the highway? After the necessary credits pan out on the screen, the camera then starts from capturing the wide aerial view, encompassing the vastness of nature, slowly zeroing in on the paved way cutting the vast landscape, and then finally the car comes into the view driven by its driver, the subject that makes the viewers realize the actual beginning of the movie.


It's an interesting welcome to the audience, the viewers, that says — all these natural, vast, pure surroundings, nature in its beautiful and consuming form, and our focus is piqued by the small objects and subjects that were barely visible to begin with.

It’s when the human is captured by the camera that suddenly makes us alert, marking it as the start of the movie for us, the start of the drama that will unfold in this on-screen human’s life. In fact, it’s not until we are introduced to a human-like creature as the subject, aka the main character, that we actually start watching the movie.

But what if there is no car on the highway road? Maybe then the camera is the one that takes us to the secluded house around the corner where a human lives, or we can have a distressed human walking alone on the secluded highway or running screaming for their lives on the highway.

But what if there are no humans at all? Then we can show an automated self-driven car that was invented by a human, perhaps a good start for a documentary. To make matters more interesting, we can create a fantasy world where a Ferrari driving with speed on the highway actually has a mouth to speak and eyes to see, and finally, after a long time, the strikingly beautiful Ferrari is happy to be on its own without its owner, just like humans feel when they get a leave from their tiring jobs.

On the spicier end of all the plots and possibilities, we can have giant monsters coming from the forest to haunt the human driving the car. A threat to humankind and a war to be fought for their lives and their future generations will make the plot.

So many possibilities and all have the one common theme, making it a worthy movie to watch and a relatable masterpiece — All starting with a car driving amidst this vast world.



Gain Inspiration

Hi, I'm an aspiring writer who enjoys expressing myself through writing. Strengthening my imaginations through the power of words.