Upcoming Features of Gain Protocol

Gain Protocol
Gain Protocol
Published in
11 min readJul 9, 2021

At Gain Protocol, our goal is to change the world of decentralized finance and put the power to earn big in the hands of the people. This project is not like others you may have seen on the block.

Among the amazing foundational protocols that power Gain Protocol, we also have a living list of features that we plan to build out as the project progresses. Each one of these features, much like the project, is all about community — that’s you!

Read on to learn more about Gain Protocols upcoming features!

Upcoming Features

Gain Protocol is a fun, engaging and community-oriented opportunity to trade. We shift the power to the people. Financial matters!

This is a community-driven project. Our vision starts with a well-laid foundation, but our true success is in our community members. The decentralized blockchain ecosystem at the heart of Gain Protocol puts the decision-making power into the hands of holders instead of the centralized institutions and companies of traditional finance.

Our upcoming features rely on pledges from users just like you. Reaching our goals means we can add even more amazing functionality to Gain Protocol. These features directly advance community passive income opportunities.

Each and every feature we’ve mapped out supports this goal and benefits both the project and our community tremendously.

How fast we grow is up to you. The more contributions we get, the quicker we can keep building the next generation of DeFi.

Since you build community on trust, we’re committed to full transparency. We will share the wallet address for each feature publicly. You can track progress, see where funds are going and be a part of the team.

If you happen to see extra funds in those feature wallets, well, you can expect to see them in your wallet soon. Any extra contributions we then use to buy GAIN tokens, which go straight to user wallets through our static rewards system and increase the price of GAIN.

We’ve meticulously mapped out each upcoming feature of Gain Protocol, from funding goals to estimated timelines. We’ll rely on our community members to decide, through their pledges, which feature goes live first. Once fundraising is completed for each feature, our internal development team will start work.

With this revolutionary approach to community governance, you can rest assured that the advancements of Gain Protocol will always benefit our community members.

Here are the upcoming features of what Gain Protocol is all about, including essential details and upcoming features, and how you can get involved with us.

Completed Features

To get started, we’ve already created some stellar features that will be available to all Gain Protocol users.

Keep in mind that as Gain Protocol grows, so will all the features of the project. Community input is crucial to improve the amazing features of Gain Protocol and to inspire us to do even more in the future!

Below you can find some of the features that will be available on day one.

Our Protocols

We’ve built out seven key protocols that make up the base of our project. Here is a quick overview of each one of those protocols, without going into too much detail — if you want a more in-depth explanation, we’ve got that for you in other articles that explore the topic more in-depth.

Gain Protocol’s Seven Protocols:

  • Whale Protection — To help alleviate pressure from large holder transactions, our whale protection protocol adds additional fees to transactions that are larger than 2% of the total amount locked in liquidity. This makes sure that whales think twice before sinking the price of GAIN.
  • Static Rewards — With every transaction using GAIN, the smart contract collects fees and re-distributes them to holders.
  • Dynamic Liquidity Pools — Plenty of DeFi projects feature liquidity pools. Our’s works much differently. When we meet sufficient liquidity, funds destined for the LP go into our sweepstakes protocol so holders have a chance to win even more.
  • Sweepstakes — Our sweepstakes pool offers holders chances to win massive rewards through daily drawings.
  • Dedication — To create an environment where our developers directly benefit from innovating Gain Protocol, we’re setting aside a portion of buyer transaction fees to go straight to our internal development team.
  • Toro Rounds — Future public token sales of GAIN will go much differently than other projects. Our toro rounds are accessible and equitable. Everybody gets a fair shot at buying GAIN during these sales.
  • Charity — At Gain Protocol, we’re about earning big. But we also want to give back through huge charitable donations. A portion of seller fees will go to a charity pool that will go to a charity of our communities choice at the end of every week.

That’s just a quick glimpse under the hood. Each protocol was painstakingly developed with one goal: put our community members first.

Get Smart… Contracts

Smart Contracts drive all we do. This decentralized approach gives the entire community ultimate peace of mind.

Because terms of agreement are written into code, execution is controlled in an objective way. This keeps everyone safe during exchanges and trades.

Our code is the foundation of Gain Protocol, and no one, not even our faithful Gain team members, can make any changes. So you can rest assured that the entire experience is safe and reliable.

Let’s Hang Out

Staying connected with our community is key to the success of Gain Protocol. Part of what we do is engaging with holders to gain critical feedback, spur excitement in the project and make invaluable network connections that all our community members can benefit from.

Safety First

If the crypto space is like the wild west, third-party audits are the gruff sheriff keeping law and order. We want to ensure our platform never turns into something none of us want it to be, so we have put Gain Protocol through rigorous security audits — all done by vetted third parties.

You may have tried trading before, but you can be sure this experience is different and always will be different. You don’t just have to take our word either. In fact, take the word of the verified external authorities that keep everything on the up and up.

Lock it Down

Post-ICO, a percentage of the initial 1 trillion tokens were locked in liquidity. All BNBs from the pre-sale are sent to the same liquidity wallet along with GAIN tokens.

Our liquidity wallet is locked forever and can’t be undone. This further adds to the usability, transparency and security of Gain Protocol.

This feature is built into our smart contract’s setting. It’s an immutable part of Gain Protocol that no one, not even our developers, can change.

Tap It Up

Our website going live was a big step to get the word out… at first. Going forward, it’s going to be your one-stop-shop for news, updates, ideas and more!

As the project grows, expect to see some amazing changes to our website. Our goal is to create a one-stop-shop for all things Gain Protocol. We are committed to constantly improving everything we touch. Our home base website is certainly no exception.

Gain Knowledge

Want to get your crypto on in even more ways in even more places? The Gains Protocol Academy Center will be chock-full of valuable tidbits, advice from experts and insights into the behind-the-curtain procedures that keep platforms like this running.

We want to give back as much as we can to our community. As we build and improve, that means more gains in holder wallets.

But it also means giving back through spreading the word about GAIN and giving holders the education they need to fully understand the amazing features of Gain Protocol.

Affiliate Program

The more Gain Protocol grows, the more our community wins! With our affiliate program, holders can help put more people on the path toward financial freedom and earn as they go. Anyone can join our affiliate program; just complete the registration on our website by clicking the affiliate button and generating your unique affiliate link.

Once registered, each affiliate can earn a 1% commission from each new purchase generated from their unique affiliate link. Funds are paid in BNB, and will automatically feed right into affiliates’ wallets instantly; no extra work is necessary. Additionally, our sweepstakes protocol will collect 0.5% of each referral purchase, in BNB, for an affiliate-only drawing. This gives affiliates even more of a chance to win big!

Believers/Token Locking

We know a lot of our holders are here for the long-term. Community members that believe in the project are the heart and soul of Gain Protocol. To reward our most loyal holders, we have implemented a locking system for GAIN. Users who lock GAIN on the platform not only support the project by adding even more security and keeping the price of GAIN stable, but also have a chance to score even more through our believer’s sweepstakes and increased HODL reward opportunities.

The believer’s sweepstakes are 20% of the entire sweepstakes pool and will go to a random holder who has locked a portion of their GAIN. Each locked token equals one entry. The more you have locked into the platform, the bigger the chances of being a winner. Additionally, as volume grows, we’ll be switching from weekly to daily drawings. This further increases the opportunities to win for our loyal community members

The locking function is easy to use and available on our website. Simply connect your wallet and move through the locking steps. Holders have a chance to lock 25%-100% of their GAIN for a period of 30, 60 or 90 days. In no time, you’ll have access to all the extra income opportunities that are only for our most loyal holders.

We’re Here to Stay

Our goal is to be a one-stop-shop for traders. You can easily buy and sell GAINs directly on our website, and much more.

We’ve got bigger plans, and they’re not getting listed on small exchange platforms.

Plenty for All

Gain Protocol is all about community. We want GAIN holders to be as much a part of the project’s direction as they can. Our mission is to put user feedback and community contribution at the forefront of what we do.

We value community feedback; it’s the fuel that helps our developers know where to advance the project. That’s why we are committed to creating a community that provides holders with a network of like-minded users with plenty of partnership opportunities. Follow us on social and tune in regularly to see the ways we’re sharing, giving back and connecting with other game-changers.


Gain Protocol is a living, breathing project. That means as we grow, you’ll see more and more amazing functionality added to the platform.

Who decides where we take Gain Protocol? Well, that’s you!

Our community is the bedrock for improvements to the project. We value every single community member’s input and use it to build new features. Below you can find some features you can expect from Gain Protocol in the near future.

Everywhere You Want It

We’ll list Gain Protocol on CoinGecko, Coinmarketcap and other price tracking websites.

Our goal is to have Gain Protocol featured on all the most important websites in the DeFi and crypto industries. We’ve made tremendous progress on this front.

Here are a few websites we are currently listed on, with more coming soon: Icomarks.com, Coincodex.com, Coinsniper.net, Coinhunt.cc, Coinvote.cc, Icoholder.com, Foundico.com, Icobench.com, Topicolist.com, Coincheckup.com, and more!

As the project grows and the Gain family gets bigger, you can expect to see GAIN listings and news all over the crypto world.


Chat It Up..

We want our community members to engage with Gain Protocol and one another. With the Gain Forum, you can find like-minded holders who share the same goal: earn more and stress less.


Gain Protocol is a community-driven project. Part of what makes our system so unique is that holders get a say in where we take Gain Protocol and what features our team builds up next.

First Funds

Our initial coin offering (ICO) of 573.5 billion GAIN tokens was a great success, with tokens distributed through our website. Within 15 months, we sold through our initial reserves of GAIN tokens!

Flipping Out

PancakeSwap is a Binance Smart Chain-based DEX and the automatic market maker (AMM) of choice for Gain Protocol. You can easily find GAIN on PancakeSwap — a trusted name in DeFi.

In Your Pocket

Crypto wallets are a keen way to keep your winnings, and ours are an ideal way to safely manage and invest your gains.

Keeping with our mission for ultimate transparency and community focus, any profit we might gain from operating our wallet service will funnel right into our static rewards system and, in turn, back into holder wallets.

By holding GAIN, you maximize your chances to gain through our many daily passive income opportunities. The best part? You don’t have to lift a finger; it’s all done by the smart contract automatically.

Shop On

Those gains burning a hole in your pocket? Our exclusive store can give you a place to cash out and spend your winnings or earnings.

Our Gain Protocol store will be community-owned. This means that any profits we see go straight into holder wallets.

While you won’t see a 3.5% fee on purchases, like other transactions on Gain Protocol, we do levy a 3.5% fee on the receiver side — which is the store itself, not the user — of every transaction. The funds gathered from this fee go right into our static rewards and charity protocols. In this system, everybody wins!

Win It

Here at Gain Protocol, we’re all about creating a fun environment where community members can play hard and earn hard. That’s why we’ve created an exclusive sweepstakes feature that gives users the chance to win luxury goods and products.

Use GAIN tokens to enter, then watch as other users enter the contest. Once each sweepstake is fulfilled, the smart contract will pick a random winner and automatically distribute the value of the item in GAIN straight to their wallet.

Any profits the luxury sweepstakes feature might have left over goes into our static rewards protocol. Additionally, sweepstakes, by design, have a higher amount of GAIN than each specific payout. Again, these additional GAIN make their way into holder wallets adding even more passive income opportunities for holders.

Each sweepstakes is fully transparent, with smart contracts handling automatic payouts through static rewards distribution. Just another way that Gain Protocol is maximizing user gains through passive income and redefining how everyday users interact with DeFi!


We’ve all had to interact with exchanges — they are essential to trading and investing.

While they play an integral role in the crypto world, we think they can be better. That’s why our Gain Protocol Exchange is committed to providing innovative and user-friendly features built with the community in mind.

Unlike other exchanges, we’ll never make a profit from your trades. In fact, much like all the features at the heart of Gain Protocol, any profit that comes from the exchange we’ll redistribute through our static rewards protocol.

It’s Irreplaceable

Non-fungible tokens aren’t exactly like cryptocurrency, but they can be traded. And that’s what GAINs are! They are irreplaceable and can be traded, exchanged and collected.

You Own It

Circling back to the aforementioned commitment to community (ie, y-o-u), Gains Protocol is going to be community-owned. Through ownership renunciation, we are ensuring that the platform stays neat, tidy and objective.

Always Fresh

The best thing about this kind of platform is there’s always something new! Be sure to check up on our website, join our Telegram and follow us on Twitter so you don’t miss a single announcement that drops about something new, fresh or exciting.

Wrapping Up

Gain Protocol is about community. We’ve developed our revolutionary protocols and features with one goal in mind: maximize token holder rewards.

We put our users first, and that’s why we’ve designed our protocols to help stabilize prices and give users as many opportunities to gain as we can. Whether it’s whale protection or static rewards, we want Gain Protocol to work for you.

To learn more about Gain Protocol and how our project is the next step in DeFi, make sure to visit our website GainProtocol.com.

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Gain Protocol
Gain Protocol

Gain Protocol is the next generation DeFi Token rewarding holders with innovative protocols designed with the community in mind. Earn more. Stress less.