11 Best New Year Resolution Ideas for Sustainable Living

Eco Heritage
Eco Heritage
3 min readDec 31, 2020


Hello Everyone!

The pandemic crises have taken a toll on us emotionally, mentally and physically with lockdown, bereavement of loved ones, disappointment and depression due to job loss, job insecurities, salary cuts, financial crises, no outings, online classes, working from home and spending extra time with loved ones. Not in the wildest dream, anyone would have imagined a year with such chaos and confusion and, it’s probably going to be this way until unforeseeable future.

Not sure about the uncertainties, this year has undoubtedly, left a negative impact on the lives of people. Retrospecting this year of the pandemic has helped us learn in-depth about life and its management. Managing time, finances and, resources. We need to empathize with our colleagues, life partners, involving closely with our family and the daily chores. Discovering ourselves and learning to move forward, this year has taught us to survive with basics along with hardships.

As we are approaching the end of this year, let us open a new blank page and write another chapter of our life with new goals and aspirations. It’s time to embrace a more fulfilling and sustainable lifestyle by adding few resolutions to change, live a sustainable life and save the environment.

Sustainable Resolutions

1. Carry Your Shopping Bag- A significant way to avoid bringing back home plastic bags is to carry a bag wherever you travel.

2. Change to durable and biodegradable products- Containers made with glass or steel, coir scrubs and coir brushes for cleaning are a viable option.

3. Replace single-use plastics with disposables- Switching from disposable cups, plastic straws and cutlery, plastic bottles, paper towels, cotton for cleaning makeup to sustainable options such as steel straws, bamboo or steel mugs, steel, copper or glass bottles, cotton reusable facial cleaning pads, reusable kitchen towels.

4. Create DIY’s for cleaning products- Homemade bio enzymes or biodegradable cleaning products require less water and are a safer option.

5. Switch to reusable or biodegradable Menstrual Products- Reusable cloth pads and menstrual cups are a cost-effective and viable option to avoid non-biodegradable sanitary wastes in the landfills.

6. Recycle and Upcycle- Segregate the waste and give away the items for recycling. Learn to reprocess.

7. Avoid packaged food- Reduce the waste generation by buying fewer packets of chips, chocolate, junk food and takeaways.

8. Purchase products that are necessary-Avoid impulse purchase. Access, analyze and consider an environment-friendly option.

9. Shop locally- Reduce your carbon footprint by purchasing from local shops.

10. Adapt slow fashion- Fast fashion creates a burden on the environment. Be eco-conscious and avoid buying fashion-transient clothes.

11. Waste Management- Segregate kitchen and household waste and start composting.

Simple substitutes to include in your current lifestyle to help you live sustainably. Start slow and gradually move up to the next level.

Let us cherish all the exceptional moments and the fact that we are still alive. Let us start the new year with new hopes and write new resolutions to utilize our resources consciously.

Keep the spirits and determination unshaken and stride with faith, courage, serious effort, and you shall achieve everything you desire.

Wish you a Happy and Prosperous New Year!

