Eco Heritage
Eco Heritage
Published in
4 min readMar 30, 2020


Zero Waste Living


“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” — Margaret Mead

As a beginner you must be wondering what zero waste is and why each one of us should take this initiative.


In simple words, zero waste living means reducing the waste generation to bare minimum.


We should be thoughtful about it because it is high time we realize that we do not have another EARTH to relocate to. What we are left with now has to be restored so that we and our generations to come have a liveable planet. It is now or never. We all come across several articles and data that show the current scenario of how plastics and other single use disposables are causing pollution and irreparable loss.


Zero waste living is the solution and need of the hour. We need to prepare ourselves to take up this challenge not only for the betterment of this generation but for the future generation as well. Each individual who is considerate and devoted can bring about a change. Remember the three R’s — reduce, reuse and recycle.

It really seems difficult to change the habits but putting your heart, mind and soul into each small act can make a big difference. Here is a step by step guide to help you start with zero waste living. Remember, things will not change overnight but with perseverance and dedication you can achieve your goal. This list has only few suggestions as it is meant for the enthusiasts.

Tips to start the journey -

1) Clean up each part of your house and remove all plastic and single use disposables.

2) Replace plastic toothbrush, tongue cleaners, soap case, loofah’s, razors and dispensers in bathroom with bamboo, steel or wooden material, natural loofah’s.

3) Replace the paper tissues with tissues made with bamboo pulp or cloth.

4) Avoid using tea bags and use tea leaves.

5) Avoid using single use plastic cups, water bottles, straws and cutleries’s and replace it with re-usable bamboo or steel bottles and mugs, bamboo, copper or steel straws, bamboo or steel cutlery set.

6) Avoid using plastic q-tips use bamboo based.

7) Carry re-usable cloth bags wherever you go. Try to purchase food items without packaging or minimal packaging. Shopping might seem difficult initially but you will get used to it gradually. This will also help in not bringing back plastics bags and reduce waste generation.

8) Reduce waste generation by reusing what we have by up cycling it. Avoid impulse purchase or purchasing things that is used for short-term like fashion apparels.

9) Segregate your dry and wet waste. Give dry waste for recycling and use wet waste as compost.

10) Ladies please use menstrual cups or cloth pads instead of disposable pads.

11) Use cloth diapers for infants.

12) Unplug electronics when not in use. Try to avoid air conditioners. Keep the house ventilated for fresh air to cool the house.

13) Plant a small garden. Use the compost made from wet waste.

14) Avoid driving when you can walk. Use car pool or public transport whenever possible.

15) Use recycled paper for printing and for notebooks; both sides of paper.

16) Avoid printed receipts from ATM’s and places where you swipe your cards.

17) Use rechargeable batteries instead of disposable ones.

18) Ditch products that have chemicals and switch to natural and organic skincare and home care products.

19) Do not waste water. Store and reuse it as much as possible.

20) Switch off lights and fans when not in use.

“The ultimate test of man’s conscience may be his willingness to sacrifice something today for future generations whose words of thanks will not be heard.”- Gaylord Nelson

Let us inspire people around us, let us sacrifice the things that are causing pollution, let us prepare a better place to live for ourselves and our future generations and try to be a part of the solution. These simple suggestions may help you as an enthusiast to reduce waste and switch to products that are sustainable.

Eco Heritage is an online platform that provides alternative products across categories that are natural, organic and eco-friendly to make your journey easier and help you in waste reduction.

