Credits — Telegram AMA — September 12

GAINS Associates
GAINS Associates
Published in
23 min readSep 22, 2019

On Thursday September 12, we had the pleasure to welcome to our Telegram chat:
- Max Diffenbakh, Head of content
- Andrews A, Head of PR & Communications Department
- Arseny M, Head of Marketing.

We asked them questions about the development of Credits, currently ranked 158 on Coinmarketcap.

Some sentences have been slightly edited for readability but the meaning has been conserved.



Q — Alexandre R from GAINS: Can you guys introduce yourselves and tell us what you do at Credits?

Andrew A from Credits:

My name is Andrew and I am the head of PR & Communications Department.

Max Diffenbakh from Credits:

My name is Max. I am the Head of Content at We are responsible for the public image of the Credits company.

Q — Telegram user R.: What is Credits?

A — Max Diffenbakh from Credits: Credits is a platform based on blockchain technology and smart contracts for the development and execution of decentralized applications. It serves as a mediator between the technology and the business. High speed of transactions, decentralization, scalability and low fees provided by the Credits blockchain allows the transforming of traditional business models eliminating the problems of security, transparency and trust.

The platform has the following features:

· High network capacity — more than 50 000 transactions per second;

· Minimum time to process a transaction is around 0.1 seconds;

· Low fees ranging from $0.001;

· Smart Contracts with advanced features and tools.

Q — Alexandre R from GAINS: Cool, can you tell us a bit about the journey with Credits so far?

A — Max Diffenbakh from Credits: We have come a long way since Pre-ICO and now we are at the final stage of product development.

Credits entered the market with an interesting concept and a loud statement that we were planning to solve 3 basic problems of the industry: speed, decentralization and scalability. Since the initial stage, the crypto audience was divided into 2 camps: supporters and doubters. There were specific reasons for that as the main components of the code were closed from the community view. At the same time, the Credits team has been releasing a lot of updated versions of the Credits blockchain platform within a year, but anyway without a full research through the code it was quite difficult to track the whole progress and estimate the value of the project in general. Today, the project has become absolutely transparent, open to third-party developers, and finally, the project decided to share its secrets with the world. It is worth noting that Credits has released the mainnet with a strong focus on DApps development. More than 20 products are ready on the base of the Credits protocol. The full list is available on Credits DApp Map. That’s awesome and I am looking forward to seeing how the Credits team will compete with EOS, Tron, Ethereum and other platforms.

We as the whole team are focused on technology adoption, this helps us to keep our community strong.

Q — Alexandre R from GAINS: I’m very curious to learn more about the various products Credits has :). It seems quite strong tech wise and has a lot of partners but maybe rather small ones for now? Credits might be the crypto company with the most partnerships. Certainly, very active but you can’t help but wonder what the depth of all these partnerships is when there are so many.

A — Max Diffenbakh from Credits: The company’s team of specialists has in-depth understanding of the technology and different business sectors with a high level of expertise based on many years of experience in large global companies from various niches. The higher management of the company are all former employees of Lenovo, Sberbank and other large corporations, where they have worked on the development of unique business models for a variety of industries.

Credits is conducting active sales of its business solutions with more than 500 companies involved in negotiations for the implementation of models based on Credits technology. Active participation in the media and global business events, along with numerous meetups at the local level allows the company to become a widely recognized name in the business, step-by-step.

Credits is not just a platform, but a full-fledged company that has publicly opened access to its software for all users. Anyone willing can join the network, launch an operating node and develop their own products and services based on the Credits protocol. The platform code is available in the official repository of the company on Github and the platform welcomes developers to make use of its advanced features.

Moreover, projects such as the 0XUniverse gaming DApps, Unlimited Tower, ExoPlanets, Royale Roulette, along with the Karma, Rare Bits and WandX projects that are currently operating on the basis of the Ethereum, Tron and EOS protocols, are considering the possibility of migrating their applications to the Credits protocol for better functioning.

Among the more interesting products based on the Credits platform is the Crext Extension, an analogue of Metamask acting as a browser extension for storing the Credits cryptocurrency and other tokens, and interacting with products based on the Credits protocol. Another DApp is the CScheduler, a Credits blockchain-based service that provides the ability of scheduling smart contracts at a defining moment or at specified time intervals. Among the popular gaming DApps on the Credits platform is Dice, a blockchain-based gambling game involving casting dice under the supervision of a random number generator.

The full list of partners is available here.

A — Andrew A from Credits: We are focused on the active development of our ecosystem and mass adoption of blockchain technology. That’s why our business development managers make contacts with hundreds of companies per day and introduce them to the Credits blockchain technology.

Q — Telegram user Steffen: Are we to expect Credits partnering with big companies?

A — Max Diffenbakh from Credits:

We are in touch with a solid list of big boys, need to complete everything in case of development as we are still updating the platform every day and bring improvements to the protocol according to their business requirements, soon we will be able to provide you with the most interesting stuff in the space, appreciate your patience.

Q — Telegram user Crypto Knight: What was your association with Sparkster?

A — Arseny M from Credits: We were partnered with this project during their ICO period, when there were no signs regarding their further development. At that stage their concept seemed to be good and interesting. Currently, we have no relation to them though.

Q — Telegram user Kiren Dude: How advantageous are Credits and Zeeve to each other as you recently had a partnership?

A — Andrew A from Credits: Zeeve is a marketplace. You can rent a VPS and run a Credits node in several clicks with the help of their marketplace

Q — Telegram user Austin Mark: How is Credits open source and how you are a fully decentralized blockchain?

A — Arseny M from Credits: We are fully open sourced project. The entire platform source code (including unique developments like consensus protocol — PoA (Proof-of-Agreement) and Transport Protocol (CDTP) is available on the official GitHub. People are able to compile nodes directly from GitHub and join the network. Check it out!

Regarding decentralization, everybody is able to run a node on any PC which meets minimal system requirements. The choice of nodes which will participate in the consensus protocol of next round (trusted nodes) is done on a random basis. There is not limitation regarding the number of nodes which validate transaction like on Tron or EOS chains.

Q — Telegram user prophet: Explain the utility of Credits, what’s the real-life use case and application of Credits. Are you focusing on only business and IT solutions or you will spread to other sectors?

A — Andrew A from Credits: Examples of CS coin usage:

· Payment for the smart contract creation

· Performing operations on smart contracts

· Adding information on the operation to blockchain

· Payment for the transfer of CREDITS cryptocurrency between the platform participants

· Purchase of information from third-party sources for services within the system (the use of oracles)

· For operations on the exchange of different currencies within the system

· Fee for the transfer of tokens created on the CREDITS platform

· Staking for participation in Consensus mechanism

Thanks to fast transactions and low commissions of our platform, Credits technology can be implemented in many industries. You can find a large number of use cases on our website


Q — Telegram user P LC: Staking is an excellent way of driving interest, demand and incentivizing holding of a crypto asset. Are you considering possibilities to allow staking for holders of less than 50K $CS?

A — Andrew A from Credits: Yes. Subsequently, the amount of stake, equivalent to fiat, will be decreased.

Q — Telegram user Blockchain: To what extent have been the effects of the recent bearish market on Payment Porte platform? Have the recent poor market conditions hindered or stunted the platform’s progression and goals to be achieved in the nearest future?

A — Max Diffenbakh from Credits: We are doing well, even in this market. It is the best way to prove your value in this kind of market conditions.

Q — Telegram user Mark Tut 🇧🇾: Where do you see yourself in about a year in the ranking of cryptocurrency?

A — Arseny M from Credits: We can’t announce such information. The only thing I can say (it is my personal opinion) is that currently Credits is very undervalued.


Q — Telegram user Bhau: How is credits POA consensus better than other consensus protocols out there and how does it makes Credits competitive to different technologies coming out like Hedera Hashgraph , DAG? Are there any benchmarks to validate your statements that you are better in speed, scalability and decentralization?

A — Arseny M from Credits: Credits consensus protocol PoA (Proof of Agreement) is a unique development created from scratch based on concepts of BFT (Byzantine Fault Tolerance) and dPoS (Delegated Proof of Stake).

Our consensus protocol helps us to achieve fast transaction confirmation time and high network capacity. You are able to check our Testnet versions to test network, use transaction generator to test capacity.

More detailed information about PoA is available here.

Q — Telegram user Mehdi: How is it possible to verify transactions at such incredible speeds even with a slow internet connection? Do you use a system similar to IOTA’s tangle blockchain where the transaction and work are verified by the previous user?

A — Arseny M from Credits: Nodes with slow internet connection or bad technical characteristics will be added to a grey list and won’t participate in the consensus. In such case they will not be able to slow the network down. They will be able to join consensus after 1K rounds though.

Q — Telegram user Tiger: What makes Credits faster than other blockchains?

A — Arseny M from Credits: The Credits Blockchain Platform is a decentralized peer-to-peer network. It operates through the Internet and uses the TCP/IP network model as the principal model for intra-network data and command transfer. Network participants interact with each other based on peer-to-peer models. All data transfers over the network are performed by means of the UDP transport layer protocol of the network model, and high-performance NoSQL system which is the storage concept employed for key-value data storage (LevelDB).

Two main points are responsible for fast speed of transaction confirmation time — consensus protocol PoA (Proof of Agreement) and data trasnfer protocol (CDTP). These developments are unique and undergoing the patent process.

You are able to read more detailed answer in this article.

Q — Telegram user Zhang Wei: What innovative solution is Credits providing for DApps? How you are different than other projects that support DApps?

A — Arseny M from Credits: The platform has the following features:

– High level of decentralization without limitation to number of nodes which validate transactions and receive rewards

– Advanced level of security due to BFT consensus protocol

– Java programming language for development of smart contracts (Turing complete)

A — Andrew A from Credits: Using Java language for smart contracts gives us an opportunity to become a worldwide adopted blockchain platform, because it is the most widespread programming language.

Q — Telegram user Tiger: Which type of DApps can we build on CREDITS Blockchain?

A — Andrew A from Credits: You can develop any type of DApps and services on the base of credits technology. You can find the examples of social, gambling and gaming DApps here.

Q — Telegram user Lio: Can developers make hybrid DApps using both Ethereum and CREDITS in one single DApp?

A — Arseny M from Credits: Yes, it is possible to have a DApp which will be integrated with Credits and any other blockchain platform.

Q — Telegram user Anonymous: What are the network nodes in Credits and as a miner, how can I run that?

A — Max Diffenbakh from Credits: There are several types of nodes in the network:

Trusted Node — This is a node chosen by the results of the voting between Trusted Nodes of the previous round in order to validate the current pool of transactions, to form a new block from processed and validated transactions and to select the nodes to be included in the list of Trusted Nodes of the next round. Any block or roundtable sent to the network for validation must be signed by Trusted Nodes. After the block is formed, it should be validated by all Trusted Nodes and sent to the Writing Node for addition to the storage. For synchronization of a transaction pool being validated by Trusted Nodes, the nodes sort all transactions in the same order by synchronizing their metadata.

Common Node — This is a node that has just joined the network or a node that does not participate in the consensus. Its main role is synchronization and storage of the up-to-date storage, or the blockchain. It can send blocks to other nodes upon receiving a request for synchronization and send the hash of the current storage version on the node for participation in the selection of the Trusted Nodes.

All network nodes are assigned a role only for the current round, and it will likely be changed in the next one.

The Credits consensus algorithm incorporates features that are characteristic of DPoS (Delegated Proof-of-Stake) and BFT (Byzantine Fault Tolerance) and has 3 stages:

1. Selection of nodes for decision-making. A necessary number of nodes of a minimum of 4 nodes and maximum of 201 nodes with currently valid states is selected for consensus via the algorithm of random selection of nodes from the received hashes of all network nodes at current states after the elimination of nodes with insufficient staking amounts. This limitation is due to the operation of the BFT algorithm, as for high speed and stable performance, fast decision-making should be secured. The main principle of the BFT algorithm is a common system of decision-making, where each node makes a decision about the same pool of transactions and selection of a Writing Node.

2. Voting on the current pool of transactions and making a decision about transactions to be added in the block for subsequent addition to the storage.

3. Adding the block to the storage of trusted nodes and its subsequent distribution throughout the network.

To know more about an installation process, feel free to visit our Developers portal.

You can find more information about the consensus here.

Q — Telegram user Karan: How are you guys able to reduce transition cost and increase speed?

A — Arseny M from Credits: Transaction confirmation time on Credits platform is from 0.1 seconds to 1 second. Depends on the nodes that participated in current consensus round. We have already achieved this though. Just check the time of blocks generation on our explorer.

Q — Telegram user Kiren Dude: How does the platform configuration to process and store IoT data work?

A — Arseny M from Credits: We are considering different approaches regarding integration to IoT and storing its data. One of the most difficult tasks for organizations using the Internet of Things is to provide a proper level of security.

Currently, we have created an MVP to prevent manipulation and changing of IoT data by means of integration between Credits platform, IBM Watson and IBM Cloud.

More detailed information regarding this development is available here.

Q — Telegram user Klemens Rich: Can the $CS blockchain be integrated with Bitcoin?

A — Max Diffenbakh from Credits: 1. We don’t have any plans to be integrated with Bitcoin. Except some business use cases where it will be suitable to interact. Actually, I don’t see any potential here. Absolutely different techs.

Q — Telegram user AR: Do you have an estimation of an average network capacity by the end of the year?

A — Arseny M from Credits: After Public Swap, we estimate the MAX platform capacity to be around 50K TPS. Regarding the real transactions in network we are aiming for 1M transaction per day by the end of year (not max capacity).

Q — Telegram user prophet: I am concerned about security, what is Credits doing security wise, what layer of security is employed?

A — Arseny M from Credits: We are using the BFT concept for consensus protocol which help us to achieve advanced level of security.

Business Development:

Q — Telegram user prophet: What is that disruptive thing that makes you stand out?

A — Arseny M from Credits: Regarding difference from current payment solutions — we are achieving these features in a decentralized manner. It is the main difference in my opinion. Everybody is able to maintain the network and get rewards.

Q — Telegram user Absurde Turkey has a large crypto participants and entrepreneurs. Are you willing to provide any startup or blockchain company in Turkey? Is any already in the works?

A — Max Diffenbakh from Credits: We understand the importance to involve as much regions as possible in the sales of the products, Turkey is quite a perspective market, and we have achieved certain results on this field, Turkish restaurant chain “Zoom Hizar” is going to adopt Credits as a mean of prompt and secure payment. By using Credits Mobile Wallet customers are able to pay in Credits (CS) coins and collect loyalty digital tokens which are issued by means of Credits blockchain software and that are applicable for any actions whether it is a purchase of goods or services. Loyalty program on Credits is a cloud service with an extensive set of tools aimed to support customers by business.

Q — Telegram user Absurde You have popular DApp games (gambling) which is growing day by day. If we compare with EOS, what are your advantages?

A — Max Diffenbakh from Credits: The ability to process a bunch of transactions per second brings a big advantage for us in case of DApp development. There are not so many blockchain platforms which are capable of processing at least 3000 transactions per second. However, our platform has come up with its unique solutions by introducing its own CREDITS consensus mechanism, that not only increases transaction processing speed but also transaction processing time. Also, the single technological decentralized platform is capable of safe and quick executions of all transactions using the principles of a distributed ledger and UDP protocol. Thus, the CREDITS blockchain platform with a throughput of more than 50k transactions per second has the best solutions to develop any type of DApp regardless of industry.

Q — Telegram user Karan: What were the major difficulties that you faced while starting this project, and what was your motivation to continue?

A — Arseny M from Credits: Building a blockchain platform from scratch is a complicated process itself. The main motivation to continue development and improvement for our team is understanding that blockchain technology can bring lot of benefits to people and companies around the world. Being a mediator between technology and business and helping companies to adopt blockchain technology in their business processes is our mission.

Q — Telegram user Satish 💲: Before starting any big project, research is conducted into the main problems in the society, other top projects in the market that are already trying to solve this problem, adoption, etc. How does Credits tackle all these problems?

A — Max Diffenbakh from Credits: There is a bunch of problems in the society actually and not all of them can be solved by the blockchain. People have to get it and don’t try to apply this technology as the solution. The main problem that the blockchain solves are mistrust and non-transparency. This issue has an appearance in many sectors of business.

Right approaches can bring a lot of good things for the world by means of the blockchain. The scenarios can be different. I bet that the blockchain will disrupt the industries of social identity and world trade. In both cases the blockchain is required. Blockchain-based platforms for self-identification will provide stateless citizens with tools for obtaining and maintaining legal documentation. The new identification platform will be more secure and reliable, as it will be stored in a distributed register, and not in the possession of a central authority. Blockchain-based identity platforms will also provide autonomy, which ultimately means individual privacy.

Some use cases for the types of data stored on a blockchain-based identity platform include (but are not limited to):

– Government records

– Reputation & trust scores

– Certificates & attestations

– Healthcare & medical records

– Tax identification records

– Employment records

Identity theft is the first and most important issue of data management as the biggest risks and harms arise if the data is misappropriated and used by unscrupulous users. The consequences of identity theft can be disastrous and range from blackmail and fraud to terrorist acts.

The problem of fake users is not a new one, but one that is becoming a significant challenge not only for businesses and social media, but for governments as well. With fake and blank accounts being registered to corporate phone numbers, mass email accounts or even without any user identification measures, the problem of inflated and artificial traffic is making statistical analysis of real audiences for marketers and advertisers an increasingly difficult task. Governments are being faced with the challenge of combating extremist activities generated through fake accounts and law enforcement agencies are challenged with identifying perpetrators hiding behind such users.

Lack of control is the ultimate resulting problem that hinders not only effective business development, but also ensuring state security. With no control over user activity, it is becoming increasingly difficult to counter illegal activities.

With the world becoming ever more data-oriented and with the volume of that data increasing in geometric progression, the need for automated systems for analyzing that data is becoming ever more evident. Social identity systems on the Credits blockchain is an effective and efficient system that combines the benefits of speed and scaling. Many challenges facing modern businesses can be overcome by resorting to automated systems capable of offering both user and object recognition at lowered costs and with higher levels of convenience. And Credits is one the best solutions here.

Q — Telegram user Austin Mark: What is the accelerator programme and in future what can we develop on Credits blockchain platform ?

A — Arseny M from Credits: Credits Accelerator program is a global campaign to support and encourage individuals/teams around the world to start developing tools, DApps and services for the Credits platform. In the ever-expanding universe of blockchain technology, nurturing decentralized application development and the services they can provide is what really matters. We haven’t announced this programme officially at the moment, but we are going to do it in near future.

Q — Telegram user Dave💲: How can developers contribute to your project and have you made plans to get them involved?

A — Arseny M from Credits: The entire platform source code is available on GitHub. Developers are able to check it and participate in development process by submitting “Pull Request” and creating “Issues”.

Transparency and fairness are the main points for crypto projects in our opinion.

Q — Telegram user Blockchain: With the mission of promoting and applying Blockchain technology, are Blockchain start-ups one of the objects that CREDITS aims for?

A — Max Diffenbakh from Credits: Currently, we have divided the whole market into several audiences that we are focused on like the audiences of the companies of small and medium sizes, audience of Indi-developers which we are going to appreciate by the fund support, the audience of the corporations that we are hardly working with now

Q — Telegram user Tiger: How will Credits allow DApps to scale to millions of users? Will each DApp have its own blockchain?

A — Max Diffenbakh from Credits: When it comes to blockchain, most of those who have ever heard of it can be divided into three major groups of participants in the industry.

The first level of blockchain awareness is considered to be the Basic level. This is the case, when the informant has heard about blockchain technology, but is unable to adequately describe the concept or its applications.

The next step is called the Medium level of awareness, when the informant has heard about blockchain technology and is able to give an accurate description along with some of its applications.

The third and final level is the High level of awareness. In this case, the informant is able to give a correct description of blockchain technology and can provide real world examples of blockchain applications.

It is important for us to go through all these stages and bring the value of the technology for the masses. When integrating a new technology, or any innovation, the first impression and result are what matters most. Blockchain technologies are facing significant challenges while proving their worth and application. As such, a quality-ensuring approach is needed for winning the client’s trust.

The Credits platform is applying a quality approach when catering to its clients, and that approach starts with the way the company’s employees handle their tasks and listen to the client’s needs. The client-oriented approach that Credits has applied is living proof of the potential for the development of the company into a corporation that can monopolize the blockchain market with its working and proven solutions, and decentralize businesses for their benefit. Such an approach to business will certainly yield results. The interest of such companies as Lenovo, IBM and others to Credits developed technologies is evidence of the platform’s professionalism and the value of its products.

With the support of a large pool of investors and a thriving community, Credits is well on the way to popularizing blockchain as a real and affordable technology that can be applied in a variety of industries. If time is to be the main judge of the company’s achievements, it is safe to say that the Credits platform’s management has done an outstanding job at appeasing the clock and building a solid base for growth.

Q — Telegram user Karan: What will you do if you fail in your roadmap and what will you do to be on track?

A — Andrew A from Credits: We are developing absolutely new blockchain platform from scratch and the process is very complicated, so it is hard to follow the roadmap. But we don’t stop and will continue moving to our goals.

Q — Telegram user Satish 💲: For an industry like blockchain, cooperation is very important with projects. What is the next plan for the collaboration?

A — Arseny M from Credits: We are focused on financial, logistic, IoT, gambling and gaming industries mostly at the moment. Business Development team has many conversations with major companies currently. Hope we will see some announcements with different industry leaders further.

Q — Telegram user poco f1: Do you have any plans to attract non-crypto investors to Credits, and how? What are the actions to increase awareness around a Credits in non-crypto space?

A — Andrew A from Credits: Yes, we have such plans. Currently, we are in partnership with many software-integration companies that will create different products using Credits technology to their end customers. We are planning to launch an Accelerator Program with a 1M prize pool to financially support the developers, who is interested in creating different applications. Also, we are planning to launch an extensive marketing after all our products will be finished

A — Max Diffenbakh from Credits: That is what we are looking for. This will take place by means of the integration of Credits products and services in the current business models of the companies that interact with non-crypto audience. As a Credits blockchain platform provides trust and transparency for the business, it opens up new opportunities for new business models, new ecosystems and economic environments with secure distributed business transactions. These new opportunities will stimulate new revenue streams for many companies and allow them to beat competitors by adopting transformational technologies and potentially destroying some competitors from the value chain.

Q — Telegram user albatross: What expansion plans does your company have and why invest in Credits, what advantages does it offer compared to other companies?

A — Max Diffenbakh from Credits: We think globally. This is what distinguishes us from many companies. We want to bring the blockchain technology to every corner of the planet, fundamentally improving the lives of the people around us, solving the problem of trust, which generates a continuous chain of conflicts across the world. A single decision-making system with absolutely transparent mechanics of actions is exactly what we need today. Implementing technology in business, we are able to reach the doors of every person on the Earth since business lays in the foundation of people’s relations.

A — Arseny M from Credits: Currently, we have almost finished the development of platform and products (Mobile, Web, Browser Wallets, Blockchain Explorer, Network Node). We have a vision that marketing should start only after the product will be done. In such case marketing campaign will be much more efficient.

Marketing is about to begin and we are engaging opinion leaders, making promotion on social networks, making publications on news outlets and public speeches on conferences. Several huge partnerships with major companies are pending at the moment though.

Q — Telegram user Klemens Rich: Is Credits going to be that massive game changer in the Crypto space that will unlock mass adoption?

A — Max Diffenbakh from Credits: Yes, adoption of the technology is the main subject that can help us to bring the Credits technology and blockchain technology for the masses in general. Credits blockchain will improve many existing business models and create new models. To make sure that we have a clear path to blockchain adoption, we must focus on both business and technology models. We can take a single use case, which affects the industry and business, and apply business and technology cost analysis, which leads to a business architecture and technology plan, as well as requirements for compliance, audit and company integration. The above artifacts define an adoption model that includes and overcomes obstacles and problems, as well as cost and economic viability factors for blockchain solutions.

Q — Telegram user just4 game: How has Credits promoted their platform? Are there any new strategies for this?

A — Andrew A from Credits: We partner with many Crypto News Outlets, who publish articles about us. We use Facebook advertising. We use banner advertising. We are in contact with teams of developers, who will create different DApps and services on our platform and then promote their products. But this is just a small part of our marketing. We will launch extensive only after all our products will be finished and ready to use

Q — Telegram user Steffen: Why would any companies choose Credits? Why is Credits better than other blockchain like NEO?

A — Arseny M from Credits: Comparison with NEO is not relevant in my opinion. There are only 7 consensus nodes on their network (pretty centralized), slow transaction confirmation time and low capacity.

Companies will choose our platform due to its features (fast speed, high capacity, low fees), easy integration process and huge community.

Q — Telegram user Miami Crypto 💰: Where do you see $CS ranking at the end of this year?

A — Max Diffenbakh from Credits: TOP-50 will be good achievement taking into account our recent growth to 150 positions in CMC.


Q — Telegram user Boult 💱: Do you feel good for the achievements that Credits made till now?

A — Andrew A from Credits: Yes, of course we feel good. But this is only the beginning of our history and more things need to be done so we don’t relax and work hard as always💪

Q — Telegram user Senthil: Where do you see yourself after 5 years from now?

A — Arseny M from Credits: I see myself changing the world and making it better. Blockchain is a crucial technology to change people’s mind to pass a new level of mankind society.

A — Andrew A from Credits: On my own yacht with early community supporters. But on a more serious note, I am sure that Credits will be adopted by the masses due to its technology and I will be still working with my friends in our lovely company.

Thank you for taking the time to write all these answers. Credits does have a long road ahead but they’re one of the few projects out there that keep on communicating and working hard. — Alexandre R from GAINS

Thank you guys for your questions. It was a really good time 👍 If anyone didn't get an answer, feel free to join our community and ask the questions. — Andrew A from Credits

Thank you for organisation, to keep communities informed is our the main goal, thanks all. — Max Diffenbakh from Credits

Thanks for your time! — Lotfi from GAINS

Absolutely :) thanks for coming and answering so diligently — Alexandre R from GAINS

Thanks guys for joining our AMA. We have received lots of interesting and solid questions. Hope you got accurate responses. Join our Telegram chat to research more about Credits — Arseny M from Credits

Follow @_aarkhipo, @DiffenbakhMax and the CEO @chugunov_igor80.

Follow @creditscom for real-time info on Credits.

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