gTrade FAQ

All common questions asked about gTrade.

Gains Network
Gains Network
4 min readApr 21, 2022


General Questions

1. How do I close my trade?

To close your trade click the “X” on the right side of your open trade. We recommend selecting the fastest gas setting.

2. Why is the order button grayed out?

The order button could be grayed out because you haven’t reached the minimum order size. Look for error messages in red above the order button for details.

3. How do I fix the chart not loading?

Please refresh the site. You can also try changing the RPC and refreshing (see question #6). If the problem persists, notify a mod in the Gains Network Telegram chat found here.

4. How do I trade on gTrade?

Please view our guide on using gTrade here.

5. What network is gTrade on?

Just Polygon at the moment.

6. How do I fix RPC issues?

Type in Polygon on and click the drop down arrow. We recommend using: however Chainlist will show you all actively working RPCs. is another popular RPC option for the Polygon Network.

7. Was there a presale, ICO or any VC funding rounds?

No. Our token was distributed to early adopters via liquidity farming.

8. I closed my trade and don’t see it in trade history. Why?

Trade history takes a bit to update. Refresh the page after a few minutes or check back later and it should appear.

9. FOREX index says closed. Why?

Retail traders can only trade FOREX from Sunday at 5:00 pm ET to Friday at 5:00 pm ET.

10. What does gTrade offer that other perps don’t?

  • 45+ cryptos up to 150x
  • Forex up to 1000x
  • 0% funding rate
  • 0% price impact
  • High liquidity efficiency
  • Custom Chainlink decentralized oracle network (DON)
  • Synthetic architecture which results in quick listings and leveraging existing liquidity
  • No order books

11. What are block confirmations?

Block confirmations are required to finalize a transaction. You will see these being counted down in the top right of your screen whenever submitting any type of transaction.

12. How do I get funds onto Polygon?

Please see our guide on this here.

13. How do I set up practice mode?

Go to and toggle on testnet. Search polygon and add the Mumbai testnet option to your web wallet.

Click on “Practice” on the top tab of and scroll down until you see, “GET 10,000 DAI.” You will need testnet $MATIC also which can be found here.

After you get your testnet DAI you can begin trading in practice mode.

14. What is slippage?

Slippage is the difference between when you want your trade order to go through vs when it actually does. You can set the allowance for this price difference.

15. How many trades can I open per pair?

You can open up to three trades per pair.

16. Can I go into debt?

No, there are no margin requirements. Leverage puts you at liquidation risk but no other collateral is required other than how much you want to trade with.

17. Is there a minimum size position?

1500 DAI, leverage included, is the minimum position size.

I.e. 100 DAI collateral & 15x leverage = 1500 DAI

18. Where does collateral go when I win/lose?

When you win, it is taken out from our DAI trading vault. When you lose it is used to buy $GNS and burn it when the trading vault is overcollateralized (over 110% full).

A 100% full vault is a vault that has the full balance that users deposited. When trades are opened, the vault balance rises.

19. Where can I find help if there is a problem or question?

Asking questions in our main Telegram chat is effective:

Also, our discord has a support channel in which members are active:

20. How do I update my SL or TP?

Click on the area where it says TP and adjust the prices to the percentage you wish to place your SL or TP.

21. Can I alter my leverage or collateral size on an open trade?

No you cannot. But partial adding to collateral size and partial closing of trades is coming. Currently, taking profit closes your position.

