The First 23 Stocks on gTrade Have Launched

Our proprietary technology allows anyone from anywhere to trade stocks with up to 150x leverage and a superior UX.

Gains Network
Gains Network
4 min readMay 9, 2022


For the first time ever you can now trade the price of stocks with leverage on-chain, and it’s all encapsulated in a superb user experience (UX). Our stocks are not tokenized assets, you are trading a synthetic that uses the median aggregate price of a selected stock. There are no premiums. This is the best trading experience you’ll find in decentralized finance for stocks.

On May 3 we released three stocks on Polygon Mainnet — $AAPL, $FB and $GOOGL. These three stocks were used as a beta test for the proprietary technology we’ve developed. This beta test was a resounding success, our new technology works as intended for trading the price of stocks.

Now we’ve launched the first batch of stocks which consist of:


This means that we have a total of 23 stocks now available for trading, with up to 150x leverage, and there is no need to deal with any sign-up process to trade! We have given the world an easily accessible way to trade some of the most popular stocks on the market.

In addition, we’ve developed a tiering system to help allocate the appropriate amount of leverage and fees to each pair. This is important for maintaining the integrity of the platform. Here is how the tiers break down:

Tier 1

These stocks are the least volatile ones, where we allow up to 150x (eg. $GOOGL).

Opening a trade

  1. 0.1% → project fund
  2. 0.02% → dev fund
  3. 0.02% → referral
  4. 0.02% → NFT bots (limit orders only)

Closing a trade

  1. 0.06% → LPs
  2. 0.02% → NFT bots (limit orders only)

Tier 2

Tier 2 stocks are slightly more volatile stocks, where we allow up to 100x (eg. $FB).

Opening a trade

  1. 0.26% → project fund
  2. 0.02% → dev fund
  3. 0.02% → referral
  4. 0.02% → NFT bots (limit orders only)

Closing a trade

  1. 0.06% → LPs
  2. 0.02% → NFT bots (limit orders only)

Tier 3

Tier 3 stocks are the most volatile stocks, where we allow up to 50x (eg. $GME).

Opening a trade

  1. 0.5% → project fund
  2. 0.02% → dev fund
  3. 0.02% → referral
  4. 0.02% → NFT bots (limit orders only)

Closing a trade

  1. 0.06% → LPs
  2. 0.02% → NFT bots (limit orders only)

As you move from tier 1 down to tier 3, the allowed leverage decreases by 50x with each move down and the fees increase for opening a trade, however the fees relative to collateral stay the same as the maximum leverage allowed gets lower. This tier structure will also help us increase our acquisition rate of $GNS/$DAI liquidity — this is so that we can provide single sided staking of $GNS sooner.

Rules for Stocks

Earnings and dividend reports are news events which are known to affect sentiment and the perceived value of stocks. Because of the extreme volatility of these events, it would be possible to use these important reports to one’s advantage — this is due to the max loss being 100% of the collateral, and the max win being 900% on gTrade.

Since we offer high leverage trading, we need to ensure the integrity of the platform. Therefore, there will be limitations on opening trades the day before earnings and dividends. However, trades that are already open will not be affected and the user retains full control over the ability to close them.

In the event of stock splits, a new trading pair will be created on the backend. Traders will not lose their open positions, and the percentage in price change, since the opening of a position, will stay coherent. The expected exposure will be maintained! This is the beauty of our synthetic infrastructure — it is easily adaptable and robust.


The technology developed for trading stocks on gTrade marks a milestone in development for the platform. We are now able to easily list basically any stock that meets our API requirements, and it’s all done by leveraging the existing liquidity of our $GNS/$DAI pool while maintaining spot prices precisely. Ultimately, we want to empower traders all over the world looking for easy access to a great trading experience, with all the tools and assets they need to succeed.

