Dark Energy in 5,000 year-old Vedic Scripture?

SB 2.6.22 — From that Personality of Godhead, all the universal globes and the universal form with all material elements, qualities and senses are generated. Yet He is aloof from such material manifestations, like the sun, which is separate from its rays and heat.

SB 2.6.19 — The Supreme Personality of Godhead is to be known as the supreme reservoir of all material opulences by the one fourth of His energy in which all the living entities exist.

Deathlessness, fearlessness and freedom from the anxieties of old age and disease exist in the [other three fourths] kingdom of God , which is beyond the upper, middle and lower planetary systems and beyond the material coverings.

Srimad Bhagavatam 2.6.20: The spiritual world, which consists of three fourths of the Lord’s energy, is situated beyond this material world, and it is especially meant for those who will never be reborn…

From Srimad Bhagavatam: http://www.vedabase.com/en/sb/2/6

Now lets consider the Scientific Observations of our Universe

From Space.com:

A mysterious quantity known as dark energy makes up nearly three-fourths of the universe (current estimates ~ 68.3%), yet scientists are unsure not only what it is but how it operates. How, then, can they know this strange source exists?


So that’s Dark Energy, but what about Matter?

The other approximately one fourth of the universe that the Srimad Bhagavatam talks about —the material realm “in which all the living entities exist” — apparently consists of two parts. Dark matter and “normal” matter. Dark matter makes up most of the matter in the Universe. Yet:

…the existence and properties of dark matter are inferred from its gravitational effects on visible matter, radiation, and the large-scale structure of the universe.

So, dark matter is really matter because we can see gravity pulling on it etc., but it is as of yet invisible to us (we should note that also the micro world of matter — cellular life was also invisible to us until recent history). Normal mater, the normal matter that we see on earth and in the night sky — like stars, planets, comets, gases etc. makes up a small sliver of the material world — roughly 4%.

We can barely see a small fraction of the material world. What to speak of the “energy” world (Dark energy, the other three fourths kingdom of God) is extremely difficult to see.

From NASA:

More is unknown than is known. We know how much dark energy there is because we know how it affects the Universe’s expansion. Other than that, it is a complete mystery.

It turns out that roughly 68% of the Universe is dark energy. Dark matter makes up about 27%. The rest — everything on Earth, everything ever observed with all of our instruments, all normal matter — adds up to less than 5% of the Universe. Come to think of it, maybe it shouldn’t be called “normal” matter at all, since it is such a small fraction of the Universe.

More on “Dark Energy” From a Purport on Srimad Bhagavatam 2.9.10 by Srila Prabhupada:

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As quoted by Srila Jiva Goswami, we can know from the Narada Pancaratra that the transcendental world or Vaikuntha atmosphere is enriched with transcendental qualities. These transcendental qualities, as revealed through the devotional service of the Lord, are distinct from the mundane qualities of ignorance, passion and goodness.

Such qualities are not attainable by the nondevotee class of men. In the Padma Purana, Uttara-khanda, it is stated that beyond the one-fourth part of God’s creation is the three-fourths manifestation. The marginal line between the material manifestation and the spiritual manifestation is the Viraja River, and beyond the Viraja, which is a transcendental current flowing from the perspiration of the body of the Lord, there is the three-fourths manifestation of God’s creation.

This part is eternal, everlasting, without deterioration, and unlimited, and it contains the highest perfectional stage of living conditions. In the Sankhya-kaumude it is stated that unalloyed goodness or transcendence is just opposite to the material modes. All living entities there are eternally associated without any break, and the Lord is the chief and prime entity. In the Agama Puranas also, the transcendental abode is described as follows:

The associated members there are free to go everywhere within the creation of the Lord, and there is no limit to such creation, particularly in the region of the three-fourths magnitude. Since the nature of that region is unlimited, there is no history of such association, nor is there end of it.

The conclusion may be drawn that because of the complete absence of the mundane qualities of ignorance and passion, there is no question of creation nor of annihilation. In the material world everything is created, and everything is annihilated, and the duration of life between the creation and annihilation is temporary.

In the transcendental realm there is no creation and no destruction, and thus the duration of life is eternal unlimitedly. In other words, everything in the transcendental world is everlasting, full of knowledge and bliss without deterioration. Since there is no deterioration, there is no past, present and future in the estimation of time.

SB 2.9.10:

In that personal abode of the Lord, the material modes of ignorance and passion do not prevail, nor is there any of their influence in goodness. There is no predominance of the influence of time, so what to speak of the illusory, external energy; it cannot enter that region. Without discrimination, both the demigods and the demons worship the Lord as devotees.

… It is clearly stated in this verse the influence of time is conspicuous by its absence. The whole material existence is manifested by actions and reactions of elements which make the influence of time prominent in the matter of past, present and future. There are no such actions and reactions of cause and effects there, so the cycle of birth, growth, existence, transformations, deterioration and annihilation — the six material changes — are not existent there. It is the unalloyed manifestation of the energy of the Lord, without illusion as experienced here in the material world. The whole Vaikuntha existence proclaims that everyone there is a follower of the Lord. ❤

