SBTs and Reputation in Galactica

Galactica Network
Published in
3 min readJul 25, 2024


  • Soul Score: The outcome of the Galactica Network’s reputation algorithm, exclusively stored within the Cypher Book.
  • Cypher Book: A private enclave that securely holds all encrypted data used to calculate reputation scores, known as Soul Scores.
  • GNC (Galactica Network Citizenship): Membership in the Galactica Network, conferring rights and responsibilities such as Universal Basic Income (UBI), governance participation, and validation roles.
  • Passport: A comprehensive term encompassing Soul Score, Cypher Book, and GNC status.

1. Reputation Points & utility

Reputation Points (RPs) serve several key purposes in the Galactica ecosystem:

  • Universal Basic Income (UBI): One of the main utilities of RPs is providing access to UBI, periodically paid in GNET. Users are ranked on a leaderboard based on their Soul Score. Their ranking determines eligibility for specific UBI pools.
  • Governance: Reputation will also play a crucial role in the proto governance system of Galactica. More information about this here.
  • dApp: Other decentralized applications (dApps) built on Galactica can utilize RPs for various functions as they see fit. Their reputation framework may differ from the one used by Galactica Network, hence they will have their own version of the Soul Score.

Universal Basic Income:

Universal Basic Income (UBI) is designed to reward active community members with GNET tokens. The amount of GNET one can receive is determined by their Soul Score global ranking. An individual’s ranking dictates the UBI Pool they qualify for, with each pool having a different number of eligible users and varying GNET allocations. Refer to Figure 1 for a mock illustration of these pools and allocations; note that the numbers are subject to change.

Fig. 1: Mock up of UBI Pools GNET Allocation Infrastructure


Your Soul Score will be a key component of our governance model. Reputation in the Galactica Network governance is used to quantify a user’s contributions and impact, which then determines their Voting Power and influence within the network, ensuring a meritocratic system where efforts are fairly rewarded. More information here.


Galactica Network is building a Reputation algorithm to compute the Soul Score. Other dAPPs built on Galactica Network have the opportunity to use our Soul Score infrastructure to reward users (ex: airdrop, access, better terms etc). Additionally, dApps can choose to create their own Reputation algorithm and will compute the Reputation Points in a different way.

2. Soul Bound Tokens

Soul Bound Tokens (SBTs) play a fundamental role in Galactica’s Reputation Infrastructure. They are used as a way to convey Reputation Points. The total RPs accumulated by a user within the Galactica Network is defined as a users Soul Score.

SBTs have two primary attributes:

  • Number of Reputation Points (RPs): Each SBT grants a specific amount of reputation points.
  • Decay Function: determines how long and at what rate the SBT continues to grant its reputation points.

The user’s total RPsSoul Score is calculated by aggregating the number of RPs for each SBT before they reach their decay point. The points and decay function associated with each SBT are determined by the dynamic Reputation framework.

The Reputation framework is designed to systemize the preservation of meritocracy. Active Galactica Network users/UBI holders are incentivized to sustain their volume of engagement, in exchange for higher rewards, over a longer period of time. (1)(2)

SBTs can originate from various sources within the Galactica ecosystem:

  • Galactica product SBTs: rewarded to users for engaging with core Galactica products, such as the CypherBook.
  • Galactica community SBTs: rewarded to users participating in community activations, such as Guilding Galactica or the Cipher Puzzles.
  • Co-marketing SBTs: rewarded to Co-marketing campaigns celebrating partnerships with other projects can also distribute SBTs.
  • Zero Knowledge Proofs: When Galactica users choose to disclose some of their data, it generates an SBT that can be integrated into the reputation function.

SBTs and Reputation Points are integral to Galactica’s ecosystem, providing a dynamic and multifaceted system for user engagement, income distribution, and governance. To put it in perspective of the user, more engagement = more SBT rewards = higher Soul Score = higher Global Ranking = Higher UBI pool = Higher rewards.

