How to destroy your organization with digital transformation

Shruti Tiwari
Galaxy UX Studio
Published in
3 min readJan 13, 2023
Image by Sonny Ross

Organizations must have a clear understanding of what digital transformation is before embarking on a journey to destroy their organization by overdoing it. Many organizations think digital transformation is about technology, when in fact it is much more. Digital transformation is the process of using digital technologies to create new — or different — value for customers, employees, and other stakeholders.

When done right, digital transformation can be a powerful tool to help organizations achieve their desired outcomes. However, when done wrong, digital transformation can quickly lead to organizational destruction.

Digital transformation is the process of adopting new technologies and upgrading the system. It is a task with a series of subtasks and it derails when an organization ignores the bigger picture while executing and focuses on only a few factors.

The integration of digital technology into all areas of a business, fundamentally

Digital transformation is the process of adopting new technologies and upgrading the system. Disruptive technologies like social, mobile, cloud, and big data are changing the way we live, work and communicate. When these technologies are used to create new business models or to improve existing ones, they can have a profound impact on organizational performance.

However, not all digital transformations are successful. In fact, many organizations fail to realize the full potential of their investments in new technologies. This can happen for a variety of reasons, but often it is due to a lack of understanding of what digital transformation entails.

A step-wise approach to digital transformation

  1. Plan your digital transformation strategy: Define what you want to achieve and how you will get there.
  2. Implement digital transformation technologies: Choose the right tools and technologies to support your transformation journey.
  3. Train your employees: Make sure your employees are skilled in using the new technologies and processes.
  4. Communicate with stakeholders: Keep all of your stakeholders updated on your progress and ensure they understand the changes you are making.
  5. Monitor and optimize implementation: Track your progress and make adjustments to ensure you are achieving your desired results.

What destroys an organization with digital transformation?

Digital transformation can quickly become a destructive force within an organization if it is not approached with a team-wide mentality. When digital transformation efforts focus on only a few members of the team, it creates an us-versus-them dynamic that can quickly lead to infighting, resentment, and ultimately, the failure of the transformation itself.

To avoid this scenario, it is essential that digital transformation efforts take a holistic approach that engages all members of the team. By involving everyone in the process, you can ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goal. Additionally, this inclusive approach will help to build trust and buy-in from all members of the team, which is essential for successful digital transformations.


Basically, digital transformation is the digitization of a system to increase efficiency and user satisfaction, but it is fruitful only if it proceeds in the right direction and takes a certain period of time to execute. So upgrade your product but keep in mind that — slow and steady wins the race.


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