The warehouse from Indiana Jones

Finding anything at the Indiana Jones Warehouse

Vijay Lakshminarayanan
Galileo Onwards


In this post I attempt to explain, to a lay audience, how information is organized for Big Data. I find that I understand Computer Science concepts better when I can relate them to real objects. The visualization for today’s topic is the warehouse shown at the end of the 1981 movie “Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark”. The hope is that anyone who gets to the end of this post will have a conceptual understanding of how things work in the Big Data world.

Let’s say we wish to find something in the warehouse above. Picture that this warehouse has a receptionist with an army of slaves ready to do our bidding. When we come to find anything from the warehouse, we present our case to the receptionist and he sends off the slaves to get our results. The receptionist doesn’t know everything that’s maintained in the warehouse because people keep bringing in new artifacts and removing old artifacts. So s/he only maintains details about what’s stored and where at a more approximate level and, when asked for, dispatches the slaves to search through all entries at that location. Given that this is the Indiana Jones Warehouse, we have a rough idea of what’s being stored — precious artifacts from around the world and from various time periods. Let’s come up with a hierarchical organizational scheme to easily find artifacts.

But before that we need an addressing scheme, i.e. a way to refer to regions of the warehouse. The warehouse is a flat grid of rows and columns. We’ll say that rows run from A0,A1,A2,...B0,...Z9 and the columns similarly from A0...Z9, giving us a total of 67,600 regions. To refer to a single region of the warehouse, we’ll address it by listing its row followed by its column. So §Z0R0 refers to row Z0 and column R0. (If you think 67,600 regions is too few, adding more is trivial. One one is to include lower case letters, so that the rows and columns run as A0,A1,A2...Z9,a0,a1,...z9. This small change gives us 270,400 regions.) With that out of the way….

We have two top-level attributes common to all artifacts — their location of origin and their era of origin. We’ll divide the warehouse into partitions (like North Africa, East Australia, Northwest Asia) and further partition them into century of artifact origin. So, one address of the warehouse will house all and only artifacts from Asia Minor of the 15th century while another section will house all and only artifacts from Siberia of the 20th century. We then store in our coarse-index the details of Region, Century, Warehouse Location. An example entry would be North America, 16th century CE, §H0P1. Anyone wanting to find some artifact can get the address from the index, go there, look through all the items at that address until they find their specific artifact.

Two things to note here: (1) our hierarchical scheme is semi-arbitrary — we could’ve divided the warehouse into centuries and made the regions fall under each century, there’s no necessarily right answer, it just depends on the kinds of questions asked of the warehouse; and (2) logically adjacent regions don’t need to be physically adjacent to one another. For instance, the warehouse location for Mediterranean, 12th century CE and Mediterranean, 13th century CE could be §R2D2 and §C3P0 respectively (31 blocks away from each other). There’s no principled reason for them to actually be near one another on the warehouse floor.

Finding stuff

Suppose we wish to find the manuscript of William Shakespeare’s King Lear, we know the following: it dates to the 17th century and belongs to England.

First we get the best region in the warehouse that represents England. We ask the receptionist

We: “What regions do you have?”
Receptionist: North Africa, Asia Minor, South Africa, West Africa, North West Africa, Europe, South-East Asia, … [and several more items]

We go through the list and find the one that best covers England, say, Europe.

Then we go back to the receptionist with the details: in region=Europe, century=1500 CE, item description contains "William Shakespeare" and contains "King Lear" and item isa "manuscript".

The receptionist first looks up the address of «Europe, 1600 CE» (say, §D4Z3) and gives the following instructions to the slaves

  1. Go to address §D4Z3
  2. Look at every item
  3. Read the attribute description of the item, if it contains the words "William Shakespeare" and the item description contains the words "King Lear" and it is a "quill", then collect it; otherwise ignore it.
  4. Once done, return to me with the collected items.

It really is that simple. Note that though we know there’s only one manuscript, neither the receptionist nor the slaves know this. And, with the above description, it’s possible that we might also get false positives like the quill of a review of William Shakespeare’s King Lear.

More than finding

People usually want more than just to find artifacts. They want to perform some computations like finding the earliest artifact we have from Latin America. Here, the procedure is similar to above, except we may have to look through all centuries of Latin American artifacts. The Index will contain the centuries of Latin American artifacts, but given that the earliest record of humans in Latin America dates to 18,000 years ago, we’re potentially looking through 180 addresses in the warehouse. Of course, since we only want the earliest artifact we just need the earliest time and we go to that address, search through and we’re done.

Organizational challenges

What if, instead of the earliest Latin American artifact, someone wanted to find the oldest artifact in the color fluorescent orange. Now, we have two problems — we don’t know where to look and we don’t know when we’ll stop. Our data isn’t organized by color. We have a few hints — we need the oldest. So we have a rough idea of where to start but we have no idea when we’ll stop.

We know that fluorescent colors were invented only in the 20th century but the receptionist doesn’t. Asking the receptionist to find the earliest artifact in fluorescent orange providing no additional information will entail a search across all regions and all times. It’ll be a long wait to get an answer.

Incorporating color into the warehouse would ease up the problem. But is it justified? What if these color requests aren’t so common. Adding that information into the receptionist’s register only makes the register bigger without sufficient pay off. There are other attributes that could also be included in the hierarchical scheme. Adding every attribute entails a cost and every cost must be justified. There’s no simple answer and warehouse organizers must determine the best scheme based on the kinds of requests the receptionist gets.

Other questions

No research is useful unless we ask comparative questions. Consider the question, which had more artifacts: 18th century France or 4th century West Africa? (Left as exercise.)

Or consider: how many of the Ottoman Empire’s generals had the same name as the generals of Genghis Khan’s empire? Here we send out one set of slaves to get the names of Ottoman Empire generals, another set to get Genghis Khan’s generals, and compare them.

Different concerns

The engineers who organize the warehouse and those who wish to use the warehouse have different interests.

The user cares about the artifacts and their particulars. And about getting their questions answered quickly. Warehouses that house different artifacts will have different concerns and different answers.

An engineer, on the other hand, isn’t at all interested in the actual warehouse artifacts. The ideal world for an engineer would be one where their solution is so general that it works over a wide variety of problems. In a hypothetical world, if an engineer was approached by a potential warehouse user and told that the most common uses for their warehouse were “brillig, and the slithy toves, and gyre and gimble” [1], the engineer would be happy to recommend organizing the warehouse in the hierarchical order of “gimbles” under “gyres” under “slithy toves” under “brilligs” without the slightest concern about what, if anything, those terms mean.

The things about which an engineers care are of a more general nature.

  • How can the warehouse be organized so that artifacts can be quickly returned (regardless of what they are)?
  • What kind of searching strategies must be employed to coordinate work between slaves?
  • How do we evenly divide work amongst the slaves so they aren’t overworked? (More accurately, if work isn’t evenly divided, the results will be delayed. We don’t actually care about the slaves.)
  • How do we keep the receptionist from being overloaded? (So that users don’t have to wait for results.)
  • Should we bring oft requested artifacts closer to the slaves so they can reach them quicker?
  • (Come to think of it, how do we identify which artifacts are oft requested?)

The problems are endless, the solutions aplenty, the fun never ends.

This post was a about small fraction of a small corner of Software Engineering concerns.

A mini conclusion

“All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” — Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina, 1878

While what engineers enjoy solving are problems of a more abstract nature, it remains true that the real world is a messy place and every entity has its own particular challenges. And it’s in this gap that many problems remain unsolved.

