ICC must suspend the BCCI as a Full Member

Vijay Lakshminarayanan
Galileo Onwards
Published in
1 min readJan 3, 2017

Given the Indian Supreme Court’s recent actions viz., firing the BCCI’s president and secretary, it now falls upon the ICC to suspend the BCCI as a Full Member. I, for one, look forward to this because it won’t happen.

As per the ICC’s document titled “ICC Memorandum & Articles of Association — May 2016”, (PDF)

Quoting from the document, Article 2.9 Independence of Member boards

Where a government interferes in the administration of cricket by a Member [like the BCCI], including but not limited to interference in operational matters… the Executive Board [i.e. ICC] shall have the power to suspend or refuse to recognise that Member, subject to the provisions of Article 2.7.

The relevant section from Article 2.7 Suspension of Membership says “the Executive Board shall be entitled to suspend that Member with immediate effect from membership of the [ICC]” if the “Member shall:”

lose its status as the governing body responsible for the administration, management and development of cricket in its Cricket Playing Country

And since this hasn’t happened — BCCI is still India’s Cricketing Body — Article 2.7 doesn’t apply.

Your move, ICC. Please suspend the richest cricket board.

