Industry Acronyms Every UX Designer Should Know

Nicole Gallardo
The Gallardo Labs Living Room
2 min readJul 16, 2019

If you’re a professional in a web-related field, chances are, you’ll come across these acronyms pretty often. Whether you’re part of an eCommerce team, involved in redesigning your own site, or participating in a digital marketing effort, acronyms tend to rule the world of UX design.

With over 15 years of working in this industry, these shortcuts have become ingrained in my vocabulary. To help you on your daily quest to understanding this shorthand that’s exchanged between Design and eCommerce professionals, I’ve compiled a list of essential acronyms and what they stand for. Feel free to add your own in the comments!

Here’s a list of common digital industry acronyms you’ll come across:

UX — User Experience

UI — User Interface

CX — Customer Experience

UCD — User-Centered Design

IA — Information Architecture

UXD — User Experience Design

IXD — Interaction Design

UID — User Interface Design

PO — Product Owner

PM — Product Manager (or Project Manager)

CSM — Client Success Manager (or Customer Service Manager)

SME — Subject Matter Expert

ADA — Americans with Disabilities Act

RFP — Request for Proposals

CTA — Call to Action

CTR — Click-through rate

KPI — Key Performance Indicators

SEM — Search Engine Marketing

SEO — Search Engine Optimization

HCI — Human-Computer Interaction

CPC — Cost per click

SOV — Share of Voice

CPM — Cost per Thousand Impressions

FPO — For Placement Only

DPI — Dots per inch

TTF — TrueType Font

OTF — OpenType Font

AI — Artificial Intelligence

VR — Virtual Reality

ML — Machine Learning

AR — Augmented Reality

SDL — Self-Directed Learning

API — Application Programming Interface

B2B — Business to Business

B2C — Business to Consumer

DTC — Direct to Consumer

CMS — Content Management System

CSS — Cascading Style Sheets

DNS — Domain Name System

FTP — File Transfer Protocol

HTML — Hypertext Markup Language

AB Testing — A randomized experiment with two options

NM — Niche Marketing

OS — Open Source or Operating System

PPC — Pay per click

QR Code — Quick Response Code

RSS — Really Simple Syndication

XML — Extensible Markup Language

YOY — Year over year

JPG — Joint Photographers Group

HSB — Hue/Saturation/Brightness

PPI — Pixels Per Inch

URL — Uniform Resource Locator

GIF — Graphics Interchange Format

PDF — Portable document format

PNG — Portable Network Graphics

EPS — Encapsulated PostScript

PX — Pixels

PT — Points

EM — A scalable unit that is used in web document media

Did I miss any? What are some terms you use daily? Share with us in the comments or sound off on social media at @gallardolabs.

Originally published at on July 16, 2019.



Nicole Gallardo
The Gallardo Labs Living Room

Founder & Chief Design Officer at Founders Who UX | CEO at Gallardo Labs | Published in Entrepreneurship Handbook, UX of EdTech, & UX Collective