Lessons My Dad Taught Me — Gallardo Labs Blog

Lore Zeledon-Pallí
The Gallardo Labs Living Room
3 min readJun 21, 2020

Dear Dad, thank you.

This Father’s Day, we want to celebrate dads everywhere, for the lessons they’ve shared, the stories they’ve told, and the examples they’ve set. Thanks to them, we have a solid foundation and the right set of life skills to not only navigate but also thrive in this crazy thing called life.

From empowering us to dream big, to teaching us how to build things with our hands, and finally encouraging us to become global citizens that care about the environment, each other, and building a better tomorrow, these men have done it all and deserve to be celebrated. And what better way to honor them, than to pass on some of the lessons they’ve shared.

“My dad is like the number one feminist on the planet. He taught me that a dream has no gender or race. As an immigrant and a woman, he pushed me to always follow my dreams and break all of the glass ceilings.” — Nura, Lead Designer

“My dad always told me to look both ways before crossing the street (along with many other similar pieces of advice). Even after I went away for college. Even after I got married and had kids. And now that I am a father, I realize why he still does it. We are never going to stop worrying about them, and they are always going to be just kids in our hearts.” — Beto, CTO

“My dad is a very quiet person, but he always found a way to encourage me to approach each situation humbly- to listen, be patient, and ultimately learn from others. He also taught me about punctuality and responsibility. These lessons are what have made me the woman I am today.” — Karo, UX Designer

“My dad taught me how to dream big. Before I knew what brainstorming was, we were doing it together — about family projects, treasure maps, and world issues. He also taught me how to appreciate nature and showed me how satisfying it is to build things with my own two hands.” — Nicole, CEO

“Beyond just striving to be a decent human, my dad instilled in me the importance of spending time with, learning from, and paying respect to elder family members. It has been an invaluable lesson.” — Greg, Head of Ops

“My dad taught me that your principles are not negotiable. He taught me that everything in this life has a solution except death and that solving problems is the best way to avoid worries. He also taught me that I can do anything and be successful as long as I always do it right.” — Sonia, Director of Visual Design

“My dad taught me to be fearless and ambitious. He taught me to reach for the moon and to fight like hell to get there. As a self-made immigrant, who started his career flipping burgers at Burger King and rose to lead a Fortune 500 company, my dad taught me the importance of hard work, character, respect, and how to be a true leader. With him, it was never about whether I could do it, it was about when. He was and is my biggest champion-always pushing me to break down barriers, challenge the status quo and claim my seat at the table, and if there’s none left, to build my own damn company. I owe much of my success today to his constant words of encouragement and his belief that I could do anything I set my mind to.” — Lore, Head of Strategy

“I always remember my dad with a book in one hand and a guitar in the other, he used to tell me that as a medical doctor he had to keep learning every day because there was always new information, treatments, or medicine that could change someone life, and he also used to spend a lot of time practicing with his guitar and singing, That taught the importance of preparation, learning, and the power of knowledge, also to follow your passion.” — Dani, Illustrator

Originally published at https://blog.gallardolabs.com on June 21, 2020.

