Meet the Team: Bukhtawer (aka: Bukht)

Gallardo Labs
The Gallardo Labs Living Room
4 min readFeb 14, 2022
Bukht standing on a palm-lined street in LA with her camera in hand.

One of the things we take the most pride in at Gallardo Labs is the talent and diversity of our team. As a truly digital agency, we exist in the digital space, which allows us to work with the best talent across the globe — literally.

From Miami to Los Angeles, Chicago to Bogota, and even Jordan, there’s a team member there, ready to create something you’ve never seen before. As they’re often shedding the proverbial spotlight on whichever product or brand they’re lending their talents to, we thought it was only appropriate to return the favor.

Today’s spotlight falls on Bukhtawer, a UX designer who was born in Karachi, Pakistan, grown in Los Angeles, and now resides in Oaxaca, Mexico.

Meet Bukht

Bukht smiling in front of Mexican street art.

Name & Occupation: Bukhtawer, UX Designer

Geographic Location: Oaxaca, Mexico

What initially sparked your interest in a career as a User Experience Designer? Initially, I was excited by the idea that each day would be full of new problems to solve, new tasks, and methods to try. As a UX designer, I was setting myself up to continue to learn endlessly! Along with that, the empathetic methodology used in UX design made sense right away. Yes, we should absolutely solve problems for people who will actually be using the product/service. Being able to switch sectors all while having opportunities to solve real-world problems let me know I would never be bored. To top it all off, UX design would help me meet my personal need to see and work with the bigger picture.

What step in the design process do you enjoy the most? It’s difficult to pick one part of the design process, as I enjoy the fact that it’s a process the most. Each part is different and very important to the success of the whole. If I have to pick, it would be the part where I have dissected & comprehended all the research and I get to sketching solutions that will lay the foundation for the product. That is also sometimes the most difficult part of the process for me personally, but I love a good challenge.

It’s difficult to pick one part of the design process [that I enjoy most], as I enjoy the fact that it’s a process the most. Each part is different and very important to the success of the whole.

What is one of your favorite examples of exceptional UX? I love music like so many of us. I feel blessed that the app I probably use the most, Spotify, has great UX. I created my first playlist on Spotify in 2012. When I go back to those songs takes me back in time instantly. I had the free version then, but it was still a huge upgrade from using pandora since I could play the songs, and I didn’t have to download them and risk getting viruses. It was new, but obvious and met my needs with the MVP. Search & save to playlist, easy.

That was then. Now there are so many features that really make listening & finding new music easier for me. An example feature would be the integration with google home or closely related, the feature that tells me what speaker my music is playing on. As someone who moves around a lot, it’s such a great element to keep the flow going as I move from place to place. These simple yet really thoughtful features make my experience really enjoyable.

More about Bukhtawer

Bukhtawer is driven by the status quo. She believes that society is designed in a way where resources and opportunities are easily accessible to some while roadblocks are created for others to access the same. As an UX/UI designer, she intends to create experiences that are inclusive, while disrupting the system that intentionally keeps people out.

Design thinking is the tool & mindset that has led her to better problem solving & greater freedom. Her first encounter with it was in the Peace Corps in Ethiopia. Since then, it has transformed into her career. Bukht has 6 years of experience solving problems using the design thinking methodology, and 4 years formally using it as a designer. She’s worked in different design agencies as a UX designer while also filling in the gaps where ever they may be. She has enjoyed all of her many gigs and is certain that her best work is always in front of her.



Gallardo Labs
The Gallardo Labs Living Room

We’re a design-first digital experience agency redefining what’s possible with creativity, technology, and heart.