Hoist the Colours! Galleon Branding & Voyages

Andrew Wilkinson
Published in
5 min readMay 6, 2022


Galleon is proud to reveal our brand update and new initiatives in collaboration with Pony Studio who have worked tirelessly on designs that we feel are a true reflection of the DAO’s core brand and identity. The new designs are live across all our social media channels as well as on our official website https://galleon.community.

From launch, the core team have worked primarily on growth and delivery with a pace comparable to organisations significantly greater in size. However, focusing on growth and time to market will only go so far without building it on top of strong brand and identity foundations that propagate all way through what we do. With this in mind, following a successful three months since our LBP launch for Doubloon, we decided it was finally time to “level-up” Galleon so we are truly unique in our identity and ready to compete with the biggest in the space.

The new Galleon logo

Adventurous. Innovative. Exciting. Our logo signifies these brand values. A one of a kind logo that combines a retro/vintage style with a modern/techie exterior. The sails represent the riches, prestige, and adventure of the 17th-century Spanish galleons, a nod to our growing community of DAO pirates.

We want to build the very best investment products in the Web3 & DeFi asset management space. Professional and mature, but have a deep core of fun and excitement.

Our new visual style

Brand consistency relies heavily on logo usage, colour, and typography, we are now equipped with a palette that lets us stay true to our brand theme across all of our future initiatives. Additionally, illustrations are an integral part of our branding, when it comes to our style, we wanted vintage and “old-worldy” illustrations. People should ‘feel’ the sense of adventure emitting from every piece of work we do and our design studio partner delivered on exactly that. These bespoke graphics create an instantly recognisable visual identity on the crypto high seas.

What is our core mission?

We Build On-chain Investment Themes

The core mission that Galleon and its contributors align themselves around is building, growing and maintaining best-in-class decentralised, on-chain structured products. We create investment themes and strategies that appeal to retail and DeFi natives alike to make investing and capturing the upside of the crypto space as easy as one click.

Major initiatives in the Galleon organisation that do not fit within our core mission of structured products come under the flag of a ‘Voyage’.

What are Galleon ‘Voyages’?

Voyages are major initiatives and extensions of the Galleon organisation. They are independent workstreams outside of our core mission of creating decentralised structured products but instead benefit the DAO through mechanisms such as revenue-share, $DBL buy-backs and treasury diversification. Direct benefits to $DBL tokenomics are always at the core of Voyages in addition to the exploration of the space to create a thriving, long-term aligned community.

Some examples of our current Voyages:

Cursed Pirates NFTs

  • NFT <> DeFi crossover initiative to create the strongest, long-term aligned community in the space that has direct, built-in positive feedback mechanics with DBL tokenomics in addition to Galleons governances all contributing to the DAOs core mission. Engaging in the NFT space is a way to differentiate ourselves and open up a whole new audience and capital pool that would otherwise be untapped.

Flying Dutchman Capital

  • Investing via the DAO treasury to diversify assets and support upcoming projects that align within our network.
  • Investments as angels under the Galleon banner are handled via multi-sig wallets on a per deal basis.
  • Curate projects through our partnership with Copper.

Where are we sailing?

As mentioned you will see the brand update and new initiatives live across all our socials and websites, but this is merely just the beginning. We have a number of exciting products in the works and/or planned, following on from our launch of the innovative ETH Max Yield Index. A few you can expect to see are of course the MATIC Max Yield Index and a number of new products thematic and yield based products on Optimism in the coming weeks.

You can also expect the Cursed Pirates whitelisting events to begin in parallel to more information dropping around how these NFTs will tie into Galleons governance and doubloon tokenomics.

If you want to stay up to date on all exciting things Galleon and Voyages:

Explore the websites!

Galleon: https://galleon.community

Flying Dutchman Capital: https://flyingdutchman.capital

Cursed Pirates: https://cursedpirates.xyz



Andrew Wilkinson

Founder, software engineer, investor & evangelist.