10 Male Influencers to look out for on Instagram!

Namitha Bogadi Arunkumar
galleri5 Creator Stack
4 min readJul 7, 2022

Makeup. Skincare. Beauty. Fashion. Feminine visuals are associated with these words at a mere mention of them. Thanks to stereotypes, gender is automatically assigned to things that should have no gender!

Doing what works best for your personal style and skincare routine is necessary to show yourself the love you deserve.

Normalising the fact that beauty and fashion don’t belong to just one gender and breaking barriers is something these Indian male influencers are doing flawlessly.

1. Shantanu Dhope

Art is the best medium of expression and has no limits, especially of gender. Makeup is a form of art and no one illustrates this better than Shantanu! The makeup looks are detailed and flawless, and he slays every one of them with ease. The tutorials and transitions are as creative as his makeup looks!


2. Rehan

The skin is a window to one’s health! Taking care of the skin is a major part of self-care. Providing the right nourishment to the skin with a routine that suits you, is the message Rehan wants to spread. @letthatserumsinkin reviews popular skincare products so that you don’t have to! This account is a concise guide to skincare for all, regardless of gender.


3. Siddharth Batra

Saying that fashion has rules is like trying to put barriers on art. Siddharth Batra shows that it is impossible to put him in a box because he is a fashion & grooming rule-breaker! His #guybeauty content is a series of beauty, grooming, and fashion tips that break free from stereotypical norms set for men too!


4. Ankush Bahuguna

An actor and content creator by profession, what made Ankush experiment with makeup? The simple fact that anyone can use it! “Accepting people as they are and how they express themselves must be the norm and not the exception” is the message he conveys through his many looks!


5. Yashwant Singh

If you never gave sunscreen a second thought before, you surely will consider and start using it once you see Yashwant’s Instagram account. Highlighting the fact that a skincare routine is a necessity not just to achieve flawless skin, but to embrace your skin as it is and keep it healthy is the key takeaway from his content.


6. Sarang Patil

There are no limits to being stylish and fashionable! This is exactly what Sarang’s Instagram conveys. Finding the right fits, pairing the right accessories, and creating a well-thought-out look is the expertise he has gained, which has earned him his following!


7. Neeth

Documenting one’s skincare journey can help so many people! Neeth might be @just_anotherskincarenerd, but he sure is leaping through hurdles that dictate skincare is not for men! Detailed reviews and product try-on in aesthetic settings are calming, yet engaging.


8. Amaan & Armaan

These twins show you how luxury fashion is done, one well-groomed look at a time! No matter what outfit they choose, it has a young and fresh vibe to it. The play of colors, patterns, textures, and fabrics comes alive on their @Soboguys Instagram page!


9. Karan Sareen

Comedy and fun with a side of gender-bending fashion define @gorgeouspotaahto aka Karan. Making short quips about Bollywood movies and adding a fun touch to his takes, Karan beautifully brings his relaxed yet edgy sense of style to the mix.


10. Prateek Chauhan

Clean editing, perfect transitions, minimalistic vibes, and appealing visuals make up the perfect formula for fashion content that sets Prateek apart! Being in front of the lens and the one behind can get tricky, which he manages with great ease and style with tailored and structured looks!


Being inclusive and accepting is how we can be kinder to ourselves and those around us. Breaking the stereotypical norms is one of the values a brand can showcase with its thoughts and actions. These influencers create content that is not just engaging but makes their audience feel seen and heard. As a brand, being authentic and real through influencer marketing is the way to go to gain a loyal following!

