How to Earn a Whitelisting Spot?

Engage, interact, invite and create — easiest ways to get whitelisted 🐇

Galler NFT
2 min readApr 5, 2022


Whitelisiting can be described as the private and seed investing for NFTs — at least from a retail investor's perspective. It's the main way for any kind of investor to get involved early with a new project.

On Galler's Launchpad you can differentiate projects that have whitelisting spots going on and projects that don't. So you know exactly what to do with each one.

Go-To-Guide for Whitelsiting

Find a Project Early

By early we mean at least a week before minting day. The reason for it is that as early you join, the easier it usually is to get a whitelisting spot.

Join its Socials (Discord and Twitter)

NFT projects usually are big on those two platforms. That's where you'll receive WL opportunities and also where you will get a good feeling for the community.

Do What They Ask

Now you're part of the community, wait on the instructions and to the necessary. Usually it's about engagement so, make sure to save some time to do it. The potential to pay off is huge.

Extra Tips

Project owners and mods usually give whitelist spots to supporters who are genuinely interested in the project and add true value to the community. To really get noticed by the founding team and earn your spot, you must actively engage on the Discord chat and have meaningful conversations about the project with other community members.

You can tweet, retweet, and talk about the project on your social channels. Create fan arts as a way of showing how much do you care about it and how you keep carrying it with you. Last but not least, bring more people. If you make the community grow organically, you'll definitely be awarded.

Don't spam, just be you. "Eyes on the prize".

About Galler

Galler’s vision is to become the most used NFT marketplace across all blockchains. The team aims to do it by focusing on giving users a unique NFT experience by making it fun, easy and, most importantly, rewarding.

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Galler NFT

Galler is a multi-chain marketplace that makes NFT trading EASY, FUN & REWARDING.