Sort Collections by Price & Save Your Favorite NFT

New features and collaterals have been added to Galler recently, get to know how to benefit from them

Galler NFT
3 min readMay 16, 2022


As the NFT market evolves a marketplace should do the same to keep its relevancy across different networks. That's the main reason why Galler's roadmap has many different goals, is and will always be a WIP (work in progress).

Find the Best Deals

A most-wanted feature for the community is now added to the marketplace. Collectors have now the ability to sort the collections by price (lowest to highest or vice-versa).

To be able to make the best out of it, also make sure to click the "Buy Now" button while sorting the price. You will notice that the lowest priced NFTs are also featured in the right hand side of the page in the "Order Book Section". If you want to know more about it, make sure to check the following article:

Save on Gas Fees Using the Order Book Feature | Full Guide

Save your favorite NFTs

Within any NFT collections there are known traits, attributes and unique characteristics attached to every single picture. That being said, not always the rarest of the NFTs will looks good in everyone's eyes. If you have your favorite NFTs, you should be able save them to your profile and that's exactly what we have in store.

Every single asset has now a heart underneath it and you can just click it to “add to your Favorites" — of course, to do it you first need to Connect your Wallet.

When it's done, you'll also be able to unfavorite it at anytime in case you end up changing your mind. To check all your Favorites NFT, head to the "My assets" page and click on the "Favorited" tab. There you'll be able to see and track activity of all your most loved NFTs.

If you have any doubts or issues when using both features, feel free to go to Galler’s Help Section.

About Galler

Galler’s vision is to become the most used NFT marketplace across all blockchains. The team aims to do it by focusing on giving users a unique NFT experience by making it fun, easy and, most importantly, rewarding.

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Galler NFT

Galler is a multi-chain marketplace that makes NFT trading EASY, FUN & REWARDING.