Bring on the Module 2

Luca Atalla
Gallerr Academy
Published in
2 min readMay 16, 2018
Building the scene for the in-depth film of the SDU: Module 1, back in April. The next module will count with an even improved production plus a strong reinforcement for the team.

June will be a busy month for our production team as we will be heading to California at full force to film the Module 2 of Rickson Gracie’s Self.Defense.Unit.

It’s been a great experience to work with master Rickson and the leadership team of the Jiu-Jitsu Global Federation as they are always banking any new idea to improve the product quality.

We put on some serious thought and gear to film the in-depth aspects of Module 1, but we are looking to take it to a next step for the Module 2.

In terms of gear, we will film everything using RED Dragon cameras (instead of C300 Mark 2), and add some more more lighting options.

The larger upgrade comparing with the in-depth production was, however, regarding people.

Beside myself, Daniel Carettoni and Gabriel Pimenta, who were at the in-depth production, JJGF is bringing Ricardo Azoury straight from Brazil to help us out.

Ricardo is a very experienced photographer and documentarist who happens to be one of the few black belts under the late Rolls Gracie.

He also knows master Rickson since his teens and was responsible for the photography of Renzo and Royler’s iconic book Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: Theory and Technique.

We are at this moment sharpening the ax to cut the threes ahead. The whole team is very motivated to help master Rickson to carry his mission of promoting his vision of how Jiu-Jitsu should be learned.

The Module 1 of the Self.Defense.Unit has 21 technical classes plus theory. It’s available here.



Luca Atalla
Gallerr Academy

CEO at Gallerr, founder of GracieMag. Jiu-Jitsu Evangelist.