Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend learning from Rickson and Renzo

Luca Atalla
Gallerr Academy
Published in
3 min readMay 27, 2018
The Renzo Gracie Online Academy applies top-notch technology towards Jiu-Jitsu lessons.

Your Jiu-Jitsu school is probably closed during Memorial Day weekend, right?

We know that the Renzo Gracie Online Academy headquarters in New York is, and Master Renzo himself is abroad, attending his oldest daughter’s wedding. (Congrats, Renzo!)

What a perfect time to study the best online resources there are!

Let’s summarize the options available at Gallerr Academy:

  1. Renzo Gracie, Mastering Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
  2. Rickson Gracie, Self.Defense.Unit, Module 1
  3. Renzo Gracie Online Academy all-access pass

What distinguishes these three programs from one another?

The teacher

Renzo teaching a move for the Mastering Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu program.

In Renzo Gracie, Mastering Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu,” Renzo himself goes over techniques and principles of all aspects of Jiu-Jitsu in the course of 228 videos.

Renzo explains and demonstrates the principles of playing guard, how to escape from submissions and headlocks, how to perfect your guard passes; he teaches you how to deploy advanced attacks, self-defense, throws, back attacks, etc. He even shows his favorite moves.

This course is our original Gallerr product that innovated and amassed hundreds of positive reviews on Facebook, and confirmed the unique talent of Renzo Gracie as one of the best teachers on Jiu-Jitsu history.

Invisible Jiu-Jitsu

The confidence you carry when you know Jiu-Jitsu.

Rickson Gracie’s Module 1 of Self.Defense.Unit is the first-ever instructional course filmed by Master Rickson, considered by many as the best Jiu-Jitsu practitioner that has ever lived.

The cream of this course are the in-depth classes, where Rickson pinpoints every invisible aspect that brings total efficiency to each technique.

Self.Defense.Unit’s Module 1 is the first part of a series that elucidates the entire curriculum of the original Gracie Academy by way of Rickson Gracie’s personal research and empiricism.

Get an all-access pass to Renzo Gracie Online Academy

Renzo Gracie Online Academy carries different programs with different instructors, but you can access them all with the all-access pass.

Renzo Gracie Online Academy is a dynamic platform that has (so far) dozens of specific programs and hundreds of videos aimed at perfecting your Jiu-Jitsu.

We say it is dynamic because we add new programs weekly so that you will always have new knowledge to absorb.

The other main characteristic of Renzo Gracie Online Academy is the variety of instructors. We have all sorts of styles and specialists to make sure you will learn a specific topic from someone who really applies it on a daily basis.

A list of celebrities you will find at RGOA:

  • Renzo Gracie
  • Rolles Gracie
  • Gregor Gracie
  • Neiman Gracie
  • Igor Gracie
  • Rafael Sapo
  • Kywan Gracie
  • Rafael Costa
  • Leo Tunico
  • Leandro Slaib
  • Rayron Gracie
  • Garry St-Leger
  • Bruno Fernandes
  • Mauricio Gomes
  • Robson Gracie
  • Fabio Gurgel
  • Jimmy Pedro
  • Travis Stevens
  • Marcio Macarrão
  • Wellington Megaton
  • Shawn Williams
  • Christian Xaropinho
  • Paulo Guillobel
  • André Tim Maia
  • Rayron Gracie

Each of these three products above is, for Memorial Day weekend, 34% off. So act now and invest in your self-development over the next three days.

We guarantee you will have a blast this Tuesday!


the Gallerr team.



Luca Atalla
Gallerr Academy

CEO at Gallerr, founder of GracieMag. Jiu-Jitsu Evangelist.