Design for IDeATe: Find a solution for the central meeting space of Design, Art, and Technology

Yuqing Guo
Gallery for innovation!
2 min readOct 20, 2019

In our group project in Learning Media Design course, we design for the IDeATe of Carnegie Mellon University.

What is IDeATe?

IDeATe — The Integrative Design, Arts and Technology Network is a central meeting space and connect the interdisciplinary strengths across Carnegie Mellon University.

There are eight areas for undergraduate, including Game Design, Animation and Special Effects, Media Design, Sonic Arts, Design for Learning, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Intelligent Environments, and Physical Computing. All of them are interrelated with each other and could be taken as minors.

Merging technology and arts expertise, IDeATe advances education, research, and creative practice with its faculty, staff, and students who have diverse backgrounds.

Students in IDeATe

The students in IDeATe are from different disciplines, including computer science, software engineering, fine arts, human-computer interaction, business, humanities, etc.

The interdisciplinary environment of IDeATe nurtures this mix-capabilities of students and vice versa.

Collaboration in IDeATe

The goal of the curriculum here is to train students to become excellent in one area of arts or technology and could collaborate within diverse cohorts of arts and technology experts. Thus, the learning experience in IDeATe does emphasize collaboration.

To create an ideal learning environment, IDeATe has sponsored the development of 30 new interdisciplinary technology-arts courses. These courses are focused on hands-on collaborative learning and are structured to welcome and combine students from many different disciplines. The curriculum is delivered by faculty from across 15 different academic departments of Carnegie Mellon at the IDeATe collaborative making facility housed at Hunt Library.

What is Gallery?

The IDeATe Gallery is an online tool to document, present and share projects created in IDeATe courses. With the Gallery, you can document your work as it develops and gets feedback from your colleagues and instructors.

