Parenting Pro-tip: Go on a Date Night Without Hiring a Sitter

Galore Team
Published in
2 min readJan 26, 2018

The first time I heard about date night activities I was confused… and then shocked. “You mean… I just drop them off?” All this time I’ve been stressing about how I never get a chance to take a break, and I could have been just dropping them off to watch Trolls and run some energy off?

Shameless plug: right now we’re offering some stellar deals on Date Nights on Galore

So first thing’s first, when you see kids’ activities billed as “date nights” or “parents’ night out, what’s in store for the littles is usually a movie, some crafting, the run of a playspace, and, of course, PIZZA. What’s in store for you is, well, whatever the hell you want.

Let’s go back to my feeling of shock. It was a common argument between my husband and I, wanting to plan more date nights but neither of us taking the initiative to actually go on the hunt for a date night sitter. And when we DID, we were in for at least $80, if not more for the night.

Then I discovered parents’ night out. Typically held on Friday and Saturday nights, depending where you go prices range from as low as $15 go up to about $50 for three to five hours of childcare and activities. A few things to keep in mind:

  • The kiddo has to typically be at least three (though a few I’ve seen take 2–1⁄2 year olds) and potty-trained.
  • Make sure to book a spot ahead of time; popular date nights fill up quickly.
  • Lots of date night activities will feed your kid dinner too (usually pizza).
  • Keep an eye out for sibling discounts, it’s not uncommon to find 50% off for siblings.
  • Keep an eye out for other discounts, which leads me to the shameless plug portion of our blog post.

On Galore, for Valentine’s Day 2018 we’re offering some stellar deals on date nights. And what better gift for a tired mom or dad than a night off?

Hey, it’s your date night, if you want to use it to sleep, we MORE than understand.



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