Galt Project: Amazing adventure to “Nobody’s land” Bir Tawil. Part 1.

First of a series of articles about the history of Galt Project.

Nick Popeka
Galt Project
3 min readOct 6, 2019


My name is Nikolai Popeka (I prefer Nick), I’m Founder of Galt Project. I want to tell you about Galt Project: about its origins, what it is, what it will be, what do we do and why. You can get short summary on our website Here, I will tell you a little bit longer, but more fascinating story in this and further posts. Why blockchain? Why Ethereum? Why land and real estate property tokenisation? Why self-governance? I will answer all these questions.

Like many great stories, our projects started with amazing adventure.

But, first, I would like to introduce myself. I’m 32, I have a Master’s degree in Computer Science and a various business experience as an entrepreneur. From metalworks manufacturing and bitcoin mining to e-commerce and investment, including cryptocurrencies and blockchain in general.

As one of the early adopters, I discovered Bitcoin and blockchain potential back in 2011.

During last years, I was focused on my manufacturing business and e-commerce NEBO.RU. All my activity in blockchain area was reduced to investment. In the beginning of 2018, I moved away from operational participation in the company and decided to do something completely new.

On 17 of April 2018 at 22:09 I’ve got a short message from one of my close friends with link — and a one question “Do you want to have the most amazing adventure in your life?”. I couldn’t have imagined that moment, what this would ultimately lead to. But the link itself was leading only to Google Maps to coordinates 21°51'00.2"N 33°46'07.0”E. Google Maps called this place Bir Tawil. According to Wikipedia this is one place on Earth, which doesn’t belong to any state and no state claims it, “No man’s land”.

Not many people have been there. I tried to get some information, but there was no details about how to get there and what will wait us. It was pretty far away from any civilisation. According to some articles some people got there from Egypt (later it turned out to be impossible) and a few got there from Sudan (that way was not very easy as well). Almost 2060 square kilometres of “Terra nullius”. For us, a crypto enthusiasts, entrepreneurs and libertarians, just only the possibility of the existence of such place was intriguing. It was so fascinating, that I decided to go there no matter what.

About how wet got there, what we saw and what ideas was born — I will tell you in further posts.


About us

Galt Project was founded in 2018 as an organization, which invests crypto assets and develops technological projects to change the way people live, manage their property, and cooperate with each other for bettering the world.

More details can be found on our website, Telegram group galtproject (You can also meet our team there!), the galtproject_newschannel, twitter and articles to follow.

Control your money, control your property, control government institutions, control your data!

