Galt•Project live on Ethereum mainnet: “Athens” release

Nick Popeka
Galt Project
Published in
4 min readJan 5, 2020

Together with the entire Galt•Project team, I’m incredibly happy to share great news! Today we are officially releasing first version of Galt Project — codenamed “Athens” on Ethereum mainnet.

You can test in right now here —

Also you can use “Goerli” network. Just switch it in the UI.

Before jumping into details, I want to thank all of the Galt Project team for their devotion to the project and amazing work. It was a wonderful year, full of interesting tasks and hard work. We truly believe that the Galt Project will enable people to transact land and real estate without borders and third parties. As well as creating self-governing communities without corruption and with transparent governance processes. We worked hard all last year and continue to move towards this goal.

If you are familiar with our Whitepaper then you know that the project has extensive functionality, including:

  • property ERC721 tokens, which represent land plots, houses and rooms with geographic coordinates and other linked data(address, floor, apartment or room number, photo and video, etc.);
  • different types of Property registries — Ownable Property Registries, Prof of Location Token Curated Property Registries, Oracles Property Registry, etc.
  • geospatial data management — and ability to split and merge the geospatial data of the object within its original boundaries on-chain;
  • double ownership check — the impossibility of sharing the same geographic coordinates at the same time;
  • communities of property owners — decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO) of Property owners and an alternative to the municipal government. The main goal of such a community is to unite owners in a specific territory, enact laws, and raise funds in ETH, DAI or any ERC20 to achieve common goals;
  • property market — marketplace for Property tokens with different types of sales;
  • fractional ownership for Property tokens;
  • and others.

All these functions are currently fully represented in our Testnet (Explorer:, RPC: At the moment, there is an unstable build in the testnet.
Testnet tokens can be obtained in our telegram group.
Unfortunately, due to the large amount of work, it’s more than 20 000 lines of code, not all of them were included in the first release on the mainnet.

Athens Release Features

The Athens release includes following main features:

  • ownable property registries — anyone can create his own Private property registry, create Property tokens and distribute them among his neighbours. After the tokens are created, the right to manage the registry can be transferred to the owners of the tokens;
  • communities of property owners — using created tokens, people can create a Community, vote in it, choose leaders and raise funds;
  • property market — Property token can be sold through smart contract;
  • feeMixer — commission distribution contract.

In our Github you’ll find all our smart contracts. Additionally, we’ve verified them on Etherscan. The addresses of verified contracts can be found here.

Not all user interfaces are currently available on Mainnet. We are working on their final polishing.

In the next week, everyone will be able to create token for their land, house, apartment and create a self-governing community!

Further Development

We will try as soon as possible to transfer all the main modules of the project to mainnet.

First of all, it will be:

  • decentralised governance for Ownable property registries;
  • proof of Location Token Curated Property Registries.

We also want to decentralise Galt Project as soon as possible according to Whitepaper. For these purposes GALT tokens will be released.
At the moment, we plan to use for this Aragon Fundraising app as soon as it is ready.

We still have a lot of new stuff coming, it will be tremendous, we promise!

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About us

Galt Project was founded in 2018 as an organisation, which invests crypto assets and develops technological projects to change the way people live, manage their property, and cooperate with each other for bettering the world.

More details can be found on our website, Telegram group galtproject (You can also meet our team there!), the galtproject_news channel, twitter and articles to follow.

Control your money, control your property, control government institutions, control your data!

