Sponsorship of Computer and Communications Museum of Ireland

Galway Technology Centre
3 min readNov 7, 2017

After working closely with the team at the Computer and Communications Museum this year, we are delighted to announce our sponsorship that will be used for the acquisition of new artifacts and investment into exhibitions and events. This sponsorship is also an opportunity to bring our communities closer together through the events and stories we have to share.

Shared Origins and Mission

Galway emerged as Ireland’s first digital city with the establishment of Digital Equipment Corporation’s first manufacturing plant outside the United States in 1971. This was followed by the opening of the Regional Technical College (now GMIT), the networking of secondary schools in 1983 and the hosting of Ireland’s first video conferencing call in 1989. Digital Equipment Corporation’s hardware division eventually shut down operations in 1993 but left a highly skilled and technically expert workforce that led to the formation of Galway Technology Centre in 1994.

“The purpose of the museum is to inspire young people and impart to them that they can start anything here in Ireland.”
— Brendan Smith, museum Co-Founder.

Located at the Insight Centre for Data Analytics at the DERI Building in NUI Galway, the museum’s mission is to inspire the next generation of innovators by preserving the past and exploring the future through the curation of historical artefacts and enjoyable and educational technology events. The museum currently houses cultural material, an interactive retro gaming zone and an extensive collection of hardware from Ireland’s contribution to global telecommunications and computing; from the iconic Apple II microcomputer made in Cork to a collection of historical radio equipment that tell the story of the Marconi station in Connemara and the application of the technology in modern devices.

Over a Century in the Making

The sponsorship has already enabled the museum to acquire a 106 year-old Edison Phonograph and a section of the first transatlantic telegraph cable from the 1850’s as part of the curation of the communications section of the museum.

The museum was home to Galway’s first Coder Dojo event in 2012 and now Brendan and his team run regular digital maker workshops, coding, “Internet of Things” activities and retro gaming events with the public and schools.

Follow or Visit the Museum

The museum is open to the public from 12pm to 3pm from Tuesday to Thursday and accepts advance bookings for guided group tours.

Location: Insight Centre for Data Analytics, IDA Business Park, Galway.
: @CCMIreland

About The Computer and Communications Museum of Ireland

Founded in 2010, the Computer and Communications Museum of Ireland is located at the Insight Centre for Data Analytics at the DERI Building, NUI Galway.

Curated by Co-Founder Brendan Smith, Education Officer at Insight Galway, the development of the museum and programme is overseen by a multi-sectoral board that is chaired by Co-Founder Dr. Chris Coughlan with representatives from Galway Mayo Institute of Technology, Engineers Ireland, NUI Galway, Insight NUI Galway, Irish Diaspora, 091 Labs and the Galway Education Centre.

Originally published at www.gtc.ie on November 7, 2017.



Galway Technology Centre

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