How to pass a Bearer Token using Azure Logic Apps
Published in
5 min readApr 26, 2019


HTTP Requests & Response • Image by @clemhlrdt

Our dev team over at the @GamacyProject recently brought in a large quantity of video game data for our upcoming video games database ( using a third-party API service and Azure Logic Apps. If you haven’t worked with Logic Apps before we highly recommend taking a look at the documentation and some of the amazing blogs written by the good people over at Pragmatic Works. Cool stuff!

However, we found that the documentation for generating and passing bearer tokens in Logic Apps was a bit limited, so we wanted to take a moment to capture our technical notes on the subject and (hopefully) make life a bit easier for you going forward.

TL;DR — You need to add an “Authorization” key to your HTTP trigger’s header with the corresponding value of “Bearer {myToken}” to return a 200 status code.

What is Logic Apps?

Officially dubbed as a “workflow engine,” Logic Apps is a service on Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform that provides a user-friendly interface for creating “logic-based” solutions for applications (hence the name). It offers several connectors and integrations out-of-the-box making it easy to utilize in just about any situation.

For the purposes of this article we will be limiting our discussion to using Logic Apps to communicate with an…

