Gambling Commission Website Project — Weeknotes #3

3 February to 14 February

Andy Jones
Gambling Commission
3 min readFeb 18, 2020


Progress updates from the team delivering a new Gambling Commission website.

This sprint is all about testing out our first ABSG website prototype and planning for how we get it out as a public beta running alongside the existing ABSG website.

We also held our first Show and Tell summing up the first 3 sprints. It was also an opportunity to give some background around the work we’re doing and why.

Show and tell slides

Video of show and tell

The ABSG website is a rough prototype and we have taken some components from other design systems as well as our own. For example, we needed a site header which supports a logo, responsive menu and search options. The NHS header fits the bill perfectly.

For now, we have used the component directly, however, we will roll this into our own design system as a component we can use with our own colours and styles.

Our previous weeknotes talks about why this was our first choice website to pick up and it’s helped us to understand the CMS were using as well as some of the technical considerations for when it comes to our main website.

We have been getting feedback on the prototype and while largely positive, some feedback means we are going to iterate the design in the next sprint to make it more visual.

Gambling Commission website

We have started to talk with teams across the organisation and identifying their needs and where we will have common patterns.

We have identified 2 areas to focus on specifically and we’re also going to look at how the homepage can be more consumer focused.

  1. Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice (LCCP) is our statutory guidance for complying with gambling legislation. It’s currently published in PDF only and pretty complex so we want to make it easier to use online.
  2. All our corporate info we have to publish and doesn’t need much work to re-do. We’ve learnt from the ABSG website and although we have more governance and ‘stuff’ to publish we know we can progress that part of the site quite easily while working on other things
  3. We want to make the homepage consumer focussed and make it quite clear to users they are on a different part of the website to licensees and corporate info. We will see how this performs with users and whether it helps to explain better, what the Commission does, and does not do.

We’re also starting to plan user research – this all takes time to organise so hopefully it’ll all start to come together with prototypes and people to start testing in a couple of sprints.

Sprint 30

  • Iterate the ABSG style
  • Designs for homepage concepts
  • Corporate pages (about us, contact pages, start of governance pages etc)
  • Design for making the LCCP available in HTML
  • Planning and recruiting participants

We’re recruiting

We’re recruiting for a service designer and user researcher to support this project and future projects. If you’re interested in either role – get in touch.



Andy Jones
Gambling Commission

Head of Design in Department for Education. Previously, Service and Interaction design lead at the Gambling Commission.