CS247G Critical Play — Life is Strange

Ty Hunter
Game Design Fundamentals
2 min readMay 14, 2020

Life is Strange is a mystery adventure game featuring Max, a timid photography student. Early in the game, she discovers that she has the power to rewind time. From the moment they start the game, players are told their actions and decision in the game will have consequences and impact how the story progresses. This is vital, as the game presents Max with a series of questions and tough decisions that branch the narrative in different directions. The player also has the option to turn back time and undo their last action, allowing them to re-choose their decision if they felt it was necessary. Being aware of the weight of each decision encourages players to think carefully about each action, as well as think back to clues they may have encountered earlier.

Separate from cutscenes and decision-points for the protagonist, the game designers added many interactable objects throughout the game. Any object encountered could potentially reveal something new about the story. They could also contain important information that would help later decision-making, encouraging players to explore each interactable item (and there are many) and keeping the player deeply engaged.

Life is Strange presents its narrative throughout the course of the game by giving the player the impression that everything they do while playing the game changes the story. Combined with a plethora of objects to seek out, an interesting story, and beautiful visual and sound design to always set the mood, the game creates a deeply immersive experience for the player, excited to see what happens next, and how their actions lead to it.

