P2 Playtesting Checklist

Playtesting checklist for the first iteration of our P2 game for CS 247G.

Tiffany Manuel
Game Design Fundamentals
1 min readMay 8, 2020



  • Fellow CS 247G students
  • Friends/family members
  • Gamers


  • Via Zoom
  • Discord?


  • Take pictures!
  • Write down participants’ names
  • Tell them they will first be given the background story of their character and will then be taken to the first level
  • Explain what actions they can do (move forward/backward, jump, etc.), but not how they can do those actions
  • Think-aloud protocol?
  • At least one person taking notes
  • One person carrying out the actual playtest (explain any instructions and answer any questions)
  • If participants ask questions, ask them what they think the answer is before telling them the actual answer
  • Take note of how long players take to solve Level 1 (take times for each subtask if there are subtasks)


  • Do players collect the history fragments? Why do/don’t they?
  • Do players like having to use a flashlight to see things?
  • Is the puzzle for Level 1 too difficult? If so, what part(s) of the puzzle make it too difficult?
  • Do players understand the story? If not, what part do they not understand?
  • Is the background story too boring?
  • (If there are multiple puzzles/level) Are there too may puzzles for Level 1?
  • How does surfacing to a post-apocalyptic world make theme feel?
  • Do players understand why the main character decides to go on this adventure?

