Playtesting Checklist

Avni Kakkar
Game Design Fundamentals
1 min readMay 12, 2020


  1. Are players ever frustrated? At what point?
  2. Do players ever get bored? At what point?
  3. Is the pace of gameplay too fast or too slow?
  4. What parts of the game are the most fun?
  5. What parts of the game are the least fun?
  6. Do players feel like the game is fair?
  7. Are the players motivated to continue playing the game? Is the payoff satisfying enough?
  8. What parts of the game are superfluous?


  1. Are our players familiar with video games? Are they familiar with escape room games like ours?
  2. How old and what gender are our players?
  3. Where did we recruit these players from?


  1. Where is the player when playtesting the game? How might that affect how they interact with the game?
  2. Is the player comfortable in their playtesting environment?


  1. What about the players reactions during the playtest surprised us?
  2. What questions did players have? Why?
  3. How did player react at the beginning of the game? at the end?


  1. Were moderators (us) present during playtesting?
  2. How is the game introduced and its rules explained to players?
  3. How long did it take players to complete each puzzle?
  4. How long did it take players to explore the library?
  5. What was the player’s average score?
  6. How many attempts did it take each player to complete a puzzle?

