Rock Paper Scissors, Modified

Michelle Park
1 min readApr 9, 2020


This version of rock paper scissors brings your other hand into play!

It follows the same rules as traditional Rock Paper Scissors, but adds the following rules:

  1. You can use your other hand to double-up on your current play. In other words, we add the following three moves:
Modified from

2. A double rock behaves just like a regular single rock (loses to paper, wins against scissors— regardless of whether they’re single or double), but a double rock can also defeat a single rock. Similarly, a double scissors can also defeat a single scissors, and a double paper can defeat a single paper. A double-up against another double-up of the same kind (i.e. double paper vs double paper) results in a tie for that turn.

3. You can only use double-up once in the game.

Expected Strategies

I expect players to play a double-up after they notice the other player’s most frequent move after a consecutive number of tied turns. With the restricted ability to use a double-up once, there will be increased pressure not to waste it!

