🪺 CSS Nesting cheatsheet

Verónica Valls
Game & Frontend Development Stuff
3 min readJan 17, 2024

This cheatsheet continues from CSS Selectors & combinators article. At the end of the article, you can find the sources with the detailed documentation.

The CSS nesting module defines a syntax for nesting selectors, providing the ability to nest one style rule inside another, with the selector of the child rule relative to the selector of the parent rule.

☝️ This feature is available on most popular browsers since the last quarter of 2023.

& nesting selector

It makes nested child rule selectors relative to the parent element. Without the & nesting selector the child rule selector selects child elements.

parentRule {
/* parent rule style properties */
& childRule {
/* child rule style properties */

CSS nesting allows us to define styles for an element within the context of another selector:

.parent {
color: blue;

.child {
color: red;

The same example written with the & symbol where we explicitly signify where the parent class should be placed:

.parent {
color: blue;

& .child {
color: red;


<div class="demo">
<div class="sm triangle pink"></div>
<div class="sm triangle blue"></div>
<div class="square blue"></div>
<div class="sm square pink"></div>
<div class="sm square blue"></div>
<div class="circle pink"></div>

// Add styles to fade and blur just the circles inside the demo

// No nesting
.demo .circle {
opacity: .25;
filter: blur(25px);

// With nesting
/* & + " " space is added for you */
.demo {
.circle {
opacity: .25;
filter: blur(25px);

// With nesting and &
.demo {
& .circle {
opacity: .25;
filter: blur(25px);
// Select any triangles and squares

// No nesting
.demo .triangle,
.demo .square {
opacity: .25;
filter: blur(25px);
/* grouped with :is() */
.demo :is(.triangle, .square) {
opacity: .25;
filter: blur(25px);

// With nesting
.demo {
.triangle, .square {
opacity: .25;
filter: blur(25px);

// With nesting and &
.demo {
& .triangle,
& .square {
opacity: .25;
filter: blur(25px);

The following example requires a compound selector as the elements need both classes (large and triangle or square) to be selected:

// Select large triangles and circles

// Without nesting (option 1)
.demo .lg.triangle,
.demo .lg.square {
opacity: .25;
filter: blur(25px);

// Without nesting (option 2)
.demo .lg:is(.triangle, .circle) {
opacity: .25;
filter: blur(25px);

// With nesting
.demo {
.lg.circle {
opacity: .25;
filter: blur(25px);

// With nesting and &
.demo {
.lg {
&.circle {
opacity: .25;
filter: blur(25px);

☝️ If we don’t explicitly specify a compound selector and nest the example like this:

.demo {
.lg {
.circle {
opacity: .25;
filter: blur(25px);

We won’t get the expected result. We need to use & to specify the desired outcome of .lg.triangle, .lg.circle compounded together.

The actual result would be .lg .triangle, .lg .circle; as descendant selectors.

<p class="example">
This paragraph <a href="#">contains a link</a>, try hovering or focusing it.
// Without nesting
.example {
font-family: system-ui;
font-size: 1.2rem;
.example > a {
color: tomato;
.example > a:hover,
.example > a:focus {
color: ivory;
background-color: tomato;

// With nesting and &
.example {
font-family: system-ui;
font-size: 1.2rem;
& > a {
color: tomato;
&:focus {
color: ivory;
background-color: tomato;




Verónica Valls
Game & Frontend Development Stuff

Mobile & frontend developer for real world projects. Game designer/developer for my mind’s delirium ideas. Cats & dogs dietetical and nutritional advisor.