How to block the page scroll while scrolling inside a Pixi.js canvas

Verónica Valls
Game & Frontend Development Stuff
2 min readNov 6, 2018

I’ve created a function to block the scroll of a parent container div or page when the mouse is on the Pixi canvas, for example, for Facebook games, the Facebook page scroll interferes on the game's scrolling. Currently, Pixi does not support any "mousewheel" event, so the DOM event is the one used when creating scrolls and listening to the user's mouse scroll event.

Working as expected on Chrome, Safari and Edge. On Firefox, the scroll is blocked both on the parent div or document and the pixi canvas, so the game scrolls instead, needs to be dragged.

In your project, you need to call blockParentPageScroll() function before defining the pixi renderer.

// 2017 recommended event
document.body.addEventListener("wheel", function(event){
}, false);

// Before 2017, IE9, Chrome, Safari, Opera
document.body.addEventListener("mousewheel", function(event){
}, false);

// Old versions of Firefox
document.body.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", function(event){
}, false);

I’ve created this example to test it quickly from the browsers:



Verónica Valls
Game & Frontend Development Stuff

Mobile & frontend developer for real world projects. Game designer/developer for my mind’s delirium ideas. Cats & dogs dietetical and nutritional advisor.