Is she looking at me?

Black Coffee breaks down what to do if a woman keeps looking at you

Black Coffee
Game Global


Photo by Eugenia Remark:

Picture the scene, you're at the bar and a woman keeps looking your way. You catch eye contact.

What do you do now?

The majority of women are shy and don't like to approach men they like because a rejection might crush them, so instead they can use subtle signs, like looking at you.

These signs have been called choosing signals, but I hate choosing signals because alot of guys use them as an excuse to not approach women.

Don't wait for these signs. If you like a woman approach her. Some women are so shy they may not even look at you, or they may just be in their own world.

You don't want to miss out on a woman for you.

Hey, hey I hear you saying.

So what do I do now.

Don't, and I repeat, don't look away, looking away makes you look weak.

Maintain eye contact.

It makes you look confident

Stare her down aggressively




Black Coffee
Game Global

Strong, black, sometimes bitter, but good for you