Game Spotlight — TAURONOS

Game LAB™
Game LAB ™
Published in
4 min readMar 15, 2017

Game Spotlight


What started as just a presentation at Timisoara Game Developers, became a nice collaboration between two people with a common interest. To Make great games.

Popa Manuel and Tudor Vaida who will be on the 25-th at G3, will showcase what they and a handful o people have been working on. A game about exploring a dark labyrinth, finding secrets and avoiding traps, all while the ferocious almost invincible enemy who chases you.

Read the interview with Popa Manuel and test out their game at G3 — Indie Summit

  • Hello Popa, tell us a bit about yourself and your game studio.

Hi, and thank you for having us at G3. It wouldn’t be fair of me to talk about “my” studio but rather about the people who are involved.

Tudor Vaida, who does the code and brings everything I draw to life, should be listed first. If he wouldn’t be so dedicated, I and rest of the people who contributed to the project would not be here now.

Then me, I do the artwork, animation, design, marketing, testing, balance, team management.

Alin Dean Enesca esponsible for setting the mood with music & SFX.

Alexei Ryan brings soul to the game with his voice acting.

Clovis Hianne minotaur animation.

  • What’s the story behind your game?

Two years ago I participated in a gaming presentation where I was invited by Romuald Halasz and Cosmin Mîrza to talk about one of my old projects, Flesh Eaters. Tudor Vaida was among the audience, we did not interaction too much then but after a while, I was looking for a coder for a short term secondary collab and he contacted me regarding this. At the beginning we were both a bit “meh” but very fast I realized he is one dedicated professional coder and from “meh” the motivation went sky high and so did the game quality.

After we established the main visual and code work we realized we need music & SFX and we wanted to have a full team from Romania so I remember I had an old childhood friend who was into music Alien Dean Enesca, the downside was he never did any SFX for games.He did well for a first time.

In addition to this we also wanted to find a Romanian voice actor but failed. So, we had a short contest and winner was Alexei Ryan, and he did some awesome voice acting. I must say I recommend his services, very professional guy.

For minotaur animations, we found Clovis Hianne and the rest of animations were made by me and polished by Tudor Vaida.

What started as a “meh” collab out of coincidence turned out to become a very passionate and dedicated collab.

  • What’s unique about your game?

A lot, but mainly 2 essential features:

The Villain — there is just one and he is invincible until the player becomes strong enough to stand up to him

Upgrades — upgrades are FREE, there is no money currency BUT they take time, time in which the minotaur gets closer

  • Tell us why people should care about your game

TAURONOS is a game about exploring a dark labyrinth, praying to the gods for favors, finding secrets and avoiding traps, all while the ferocious Minotaur chases after you. What’s not to like?

  • What challenges did you encounter?

Mostly on a personal level: challenges, job and family …. deadlines, stress, exhaustion and the list keeps going..

  • How did you overcome them?

I didn’t :). I keep moving forward and I pay the price for them.

  • Any advice for people just getting started?

Lower expectation + actually WORK on the project = success. Nothing falls from the sky

  • What can we expect at the G3?

Fully working Demo & more!


Ps. Don’t forget to buy your ticket for the full day and participate in the workshop as well!

Stay tuned for more projects showcases in these following days.
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