1001 Games that made me what I am

64 bit and less
Game of Life
Published in
2 min readJan 27, 2015


Do we really need another story about new Indie games and retro classics from the 80's, 90's and beyond?’ and I don’t really have an answer for you. There are quite a few places on the internet to read about the games we love, but I hope that I can bring some lesser known titles or just my personal feeling about the ones we all know about, and I hope my passion for the games will shine through this posts.

As an introduction, I think I should give you a brief rundown of my gaming past. I have been a gamer since the ZX spectrum days (circa 1984) so grew up with cassette tapes, budget games that costs less than €2, one button joysticks, and waiting 20 minutes for a game to load (or not, depending on the tape’s mood that day). However this also meant I was lucky enough to be around in the 8-bit era where things were new and exciting, where one person could develop an amazing game about a Miner avoiding flying toilets. Indeed it was an exciting time to be a kid.

In fact I started even earlier. The first contact that I had with video games was in 1977 when my father brought home a PONG Clone with a pistol.

German Pong Clone COLOR MULTI-SPIEL 4106. UNIVERSUM.1977.

I went crazy with this system, but could only try it for a day :-( My father did not like and returned it the next day.

Instead I got to play “pin football”.

Futebol de pregos — “Pin football”. Handmade

Happy days.

As I now know, the PONG machines were extremely popular back then, they had succeeded the Magnavox Odyssey that was the first home video game console launched in 1972, with limited success proving however that consoles for the home could be designed.



64 bit and less
Game of Life

Gamer. Food and family lover. Also follow me on Youtube: 64bitandless