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A Complete Guide To Letting Go Of Romantic Rejection

A blueprint for acceptance and immense personal transformation

Manj Bahra
12 min readJul 5, 2020


Few things cause more emotional hurt than romantic rejection. When someone makes it clear they aren’t interested in us, it can lead us to feel as if we aren’t good enough. Whether you’ve been blown off, dumped, or friend-zoned — it’s a miserable feeling. The whole experience can leave you profoundly wounded and asking some challenging questions such as:

  • What’s wrong with me?
  • What did I do wrong?
  • Will anyone ever love me?
  • Am I that unattractive or ugly?

Left unchecked, these thoughts can quickly mutate into limiting beliefs that consume your being and taint the lens through which you view the world. You can find your self-esteem plummeting as you desperately search for validation to feel better about yourself again.

But that’s only one way to look at it. There is another approach — the path less trodden.

What if you chose to view rejection as one of life’s greatest gifts? What if you opened yourself up to look for hidden benefits instead of just misery?

Sure, there is pain and a period of self-loathing. But it’s also an incredible opportunity to…



Manj Bahra
Modern Dating Wisdom

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