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How To Move On From Someone Who Doesn’t Want You

Manj Bahra
Modern Dating Wisdom
11 min readNov 9, 2019


The crushing feeling of rejection is a rite of passage that none of us will escape. In many ways, the universality of romantic rejection is the only comforting aspect of its nature. I’ve seen the most attractive and successful people brutally denied by their crushes and partners. Cupid is ruthless and spares no-one from his arrows of sorrow.

Given the inevitable pain of this experience, I’ve sought to study how we can best handle these situations. Understanding why we chase people who don’t want us is essential for our self-awareness. Several psychological concepts unknowingly influence us and lead to downright irrational behavior. But just as important as understanding why is knowing how you can move on — and following through with conviction.

The internet is full of idyllic listicles that suggest the ten things you need to do to move on. In my view, the process requires a more in-depth reflection and concrete actions that I am going to share with you now. I promise if you follow this plan as laid out, you’ll not only shed your pain and emotional baggage, but you will also strengthen your self-esteem and self-worth. Let’s explore how to make this happen.

Define Your Outcome and Recognize Your Secondary Gain



Manj Bahra
Modern Dating Wisdom

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