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What To Do If You Think You’ve Met Your Twin-Flame

How to avoid getting lost and get the most out of the experience

Manj Bahra
9 min readJan 30, 2021


Since I’ve been writing on Medium, the most common topic I’m asked about is Twin-Flames. It’s funny to think that I had never even heard of the term until three years ago. Now, I get messages every day from people having their own unique experiences and wondering how to cope.

In my previous article on the subject, I wrote about whether the entire concept was a construct that facilitates justified obsession. I provided what I consider to be one of the most unbiased considerations of the theory. Since the publication of that piece, I’ve been inundated with messages asking the same question — what do you do if you think you’ve met your twin-flame?

What follows is my interpretation and suggestion on how you can approach this situation. After five years of coaching clients professionally and seeing first-hand the pitfalls that people repeatedly fall into, I've created this framework. While there is certainly no correct way to handle what you’re going through, I’m confident that the blueprint I’m sharing with you will give you both clarity and an opportunity to make the best of what’s happening. You’ll be able to access a new perspective, get out of your head, and open yourself up to spiritual growth.



Manj Bahra
Modern Dating Wisdom

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