Deducing the Rationale Behind Biden’s Refusal to Take a Cognitive Test

Addison Jureidini
Game of Thrones: Election 2024
2 min readJul 8, 2024

Cairo, Egypt

The First Presidential Debate (ABC News)

For the past four years, observers of President Biden have believed that something wasn’t right. As his term progressed, it has only gotten worse. The recent debate with President Trump confirmed the worst fears of many.

Even Democratic mouthpieces like CNN, NBC, and ABC are little different from Fox News in their questioning of Biden’s fitness to remain in office. This sentiment has not been lost on BBC, the most unbiased global news source.

In his report, Dr. Hur raised concerns about the President’s mental acuity. He described the President as an

“elderly man with a poor memory.”

Biden blew him off, stating,

“How dare he question my memory? My memory’s fine.”

His recent debate suggests otherwise.

During his interview with ABC’s George Stephanopolus, President Biden refused to take a cognitive test. Why? It can be done within an hour. What is he afraid of? The answer is simple: he is afraid of what the results will show. What will they show? It doesn’t take a medical doctor to figure that out. It can be deduced that the President suffers from dementia or Alzheimer’s. A report would confirm what many, from Rudy Giuliani to Dr. Hur, have publicly stated.

Prior to his election in 1932, Franklin Roosevelt made his medical records public. Even with polio, he still won. What would the result be if such a medical report of the sitting President was made public? For the President, it would obviously not be good. It is an historical example of “damned if you do, damned if you don’t.” The Republicans would obviously try to make an impeachment case against him. Impeachment has been weaponized against Presidents Clinton and Trump. In both cases, it failed to remove either man from office. Article II, Section 4 of the US Constitution states,

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

Biden’s adversaries will undoubtedly make the case that the President’s concealment of his mental health qualifies, just as President Clinton’s lying about his girlfriend “qualified.” Regardless of who wins the Democratic primary, or even the Presidency, one thing remains clear: Ukrainians and Palestinians will die.

