Kennedy/Shanahan: The Best Option Facing Americans in 2024?

Addison Jureidini
Game of Thrones: Election 2024
3 min readJun 6, 2024

Cairo, Egypt

Independent Presidential and Vice Presidental Candidates Robert Kennedy and Nicole Shanahan (

Come 2024, many Americans will vote for either Joe Biden or Donald Trump. Again. It will be the rematch of two decadent, deviant, and corrupted candidates. Perhaps, many see themselves as having no other options. Well, two options are more than the one which countries like Russia and China offer.

The United States of America is at a historical crossroads, however. Not since Ross Perot has a third party candidate had the presidency within his grasp. What could be the worst that could happen? Let’s look at some major issues which both Democratic and Republican Presidents have failed to solve.

Gun Violence

In America, simple things in life such as walking down the street, going to a movie, or attending school can be fatal. Mass shootings are a daily occurrence. It has been the norm for as far back as the present author can remember. Bush couldn’t fix it; neither could Clinton; neither could Bush Jr.; neither could Obama; neither could Trump, and neither can Biden. Both the Democratic and Republican Parties have failed the American people in this regard. What does RFK Jr. have to say about the issue?

Nobody is going to come in and take your guns away. … With all the violence and murder and killings we’ve had in the United States, I think you will agree that we must keep firearms from people who have no business with guns or rifles.

It doesn’t sound any different.

Border Control

Compared to countries like Canada, England, and Israel, border security in the United States is a joke. If illegal immigration was stopped; if the drug trade was stopped, and if American companies were truly penalized for hiring foreign workers over American citizens, it is likely that the country would improve for the better. With all of their power, however, no American Presidents have been able to do this. Where does RFK stand on the issue?

As President, Kennedy is going to end the humanitarian crisis, starting with its most immediate cause — an uncontrolled border. As he seals the border to illegal immigration, his administration will enact deeper reforms to stem illegal migration in the long term, while expanding lawful, orderly immigration according to principles of justice and fairness.

This sounds familiar as well.

The Israeli-Palestinian Crisis

Since Harry Truman, the Jewish State has gotten larger and larger while Palestinian territory has gotten smaller and smaller. Are RFK Jr.s view on the issue any different? The Times of Israel said the following:

Kennedy Jr. offered staunch support for Israel in a Reuters interview, calling it a “moral nation” that was justly responding to Hamas provocations with its attacks on Gaza and questioning the need for a six-week ceasefire backed by President Joe Biden.

This also doesn’t sound any different than his Democratic and Republican predecessors.

It is possible that Kennedy would be the same devil in a new suit. The difference is that with Biden and Trump, people will know what to expect. After all, they have had four years with each. With Kennedy, an independent, the future will be more of an unknown.

Is RFK Jr. as crazy as Marjorie Taylor Green? Possibly. Does he seek the destruction of Palestine and the Palestinian people? Possibly. His father was assassinated by a Palestinian. Despite this, there is more of a chance of a brighter future with him in office than another four years of Biden or Trump. Of course, that assessment could be totally wrong. A chance for something better, however, is better than no chance at all.

Works Cited

Kelly, Stephanie. “2024 dark horse RFK Jr. questions need for Gaza truce, defends Israeli offensive.” The Times of Israel.

Kennedy/Shanahan. The Humanitarian Crisis at the Southern Border.

Kennedy, Robert. Address on Gun Control.,business%20with%20guns%20or%20rifles

