How to Deal With Medium Drama

And what you could be doing instead

Jasper Thorne
Game Of Words


Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash

Another day, another scandal in the Medium community.

A well-known writer’s profile was suspended, and the publications he created along with it. This caused quite a stir on Medium Facebook groups, spawning threads full of speculation and theories.

This is nothing new.

Where there are humans, there will be differing opinions. And where there are differing opinions, there is bound to be conflict.

I may be a new writer to Medium’s platform, but I’ve been entrenched in the indie publishing world since 2011. And boy, have I seen some drama.

I’ve seen authors get banned from publishing on Amazon forever. I’ve seen hundreds or thousands of books blocked and removed from the site in one fell algorithmic swoop. I’ve seen authors’ earnings decimated overnight.

And of course, all this led to much teeth-gnashing and theory-crafting in the publishing world. Countless hours of lost time and lost sanity.

Some assured us that this was doomsday — that the big mean Amazon had finally pulled one over on us, and our days as indie authors were finished. Were they?

Nope. Not yet, anyway.

