Top 5 Ways to Master Your Experience in Battlefield 1

man esp
Game Sense
Published in
4 min readDec 6, 2018


Battlefield 1 was quite the changeup in the formula on its release. Taking its plays back to World War I, the feel of battle definitely shifted from its previous iterations. One of the things that changed was the gun mechanics and the variety of guns available to soldiers.

5. Know Your Gamemode

A good factor to take into account is what mode you are playing, and how you can use it to your advantage. For example, if you are playing rush which is a more fast-paced game mode, you can choose different playstyles that will benefit your team. DICE the game studio who created Battlefield has always had a focus on team play and working together to win. Each game mode works to implement features that incentivize teams and squads to play the objective for more points toward a win. One of the things that Battlefield has gone away from is focussing too much on kills, and instead of letting the players work together to claim victory.

4. Choose Your Class

Battlefield lets the player choose from a multitude of classes that play different roles on the battlefield. You have your assault class which gives you a range of machine guns to choose from like the iconic MP18 or experimental weapons like the Hellriegel that didn’t see much action on the battlefield. Assault players are also in charge of a lot of the destruction in the game with the help of explosives like dynamite, AT rockets, and anti-tank grenades. The medics in-game are in charge of reviving players and providing health to teammates. Medics come equipped with self-loading rifles which have a semi-automatic fire mode and even have access to grenade launchers that attach to the barrel of the gun. The support players come equipped with light machine guns like the BAR or the MG5, and they are able to help their teammates by dropping ammunition on the ground, throw ammo pouches directly to players, and provide suppressive fire with their guns or a mortar. Scouts are the ones who would be in charge of spotting enemy players using a periscope, laying down trip wires, and lighting up enemies with a flare. The scout comes equipped with sniper rifles ranging from the SMLE MKIII and the Gewehr M. 95 to take out enemies. Battlefield 1 also includes specific classes for vehicles like horses which equips you with a Gewehr 98 rifle, and tanks/pilots that give your soldier a repair tool to fix your vehicle and a range of pistols to defend yourself. Of course, there are more to each class, but I wanted to cover the basic layout that you will see on the battlefield.

3. Choose your Playstyle

Whether you want to be up close and personal, play from a distance, or be a jack of all trades, Battlefield gives you the choice of how you want to play the game. For those who just want to be on the front lines running and gunning down people, you can choose weapons like the Automatico or the Hellriegel which do some crazy amounts of damage when you’re up in everyone’s face. If you’re looking for something at a distance then I would recommend the scout class or the medic which give you access to sniper rifles and self-loading rifles which are effective at mid to long ranges. I personally like using the Mondragon a self-loading rifle with a fairly quick fire rate and ten rounds to get as much damage down range as possible.

2. Make some friends

One of the worst situations to be in is when you run around and you are kindly greeted with four soldiers holding a submachine gun. With Battlefield focussing on teamplay your best way to be successful on the battlefield is to find teammates who have microphones, and start communicating. Communication is your best tactic that you can use to best your enemy. I can name hundreds of times where I’ve been in a chat talking with my teammates calling out what I’m seeing, and being able to take the objective flawlessly by traveling in a group. It is very hard to be a lone wolf in an objective based game, having a small group of friends that are able to use tactics, revive each other, and spot enemies will grant you an advantage over those who choose to remain quiet on the battlefield while everything is going into chaos.

1. Be Aware of your Surroundings

With the vast amount of weapons that exist inside of Battlefield, the way that you are going to become a better player is by understanding where you need to be. DICE are very skilled at designing their maps for different playstyles. The difference between a skilled player and a new player is how they move their way through the map. With larger maps, the action tends to be pretty well spread throughout the map, but with smaller more dense maps you get to see different choke points that sprout chaos and cause mass deaths. Being able to avoid getting stuck in choke points, using your sheer skill to outsmart players and catch them off guard is how you become successful on the battlefield.

