Jason Yu
Published in
1 min readNov 6, 2018


GameXCoin, collaborating with GalaLab, is planning to launch world’s first blockchain MMORPG games, ‘Flyff’ and ‘Rappelz’

GameXCoin’s CEO Kai Kim has announced last Monday (Nov. 5th) that he will collaborate with CEO Hyun-soo Kim of GalaLab to launch ‘Flyff’ and ‘Rappelz’ in both PC and mobile versions. GalaLab is well-known for developing its game called ‘Flyff’.

‘Flyff’ is the first game to introduce flying system in Korea which is played in 16 countries including Thailand, USA, and Indonesia. ‘Rappelz’ is also popular in many regions including North America, Europe, Middle East, Brazil, Russia, and there are over 100 million players.

“Through GXC platform, ‘Flyff’ and ‘Rappelz’ will issue their coins to their users and those coins can be traded with other game coins through GXC DEX,” according to GameXCoin and added that “This will be the world’s first MMORPG game to adapt cryptocurrency that the games are already in the market to play.”

GXC’s blockchain platform is optimized for cryptocurrencies used on game platforms. GXC is aimed to build such platform by growing alliance with game developers, and GXC becomes a key currency among the games. GXC’s platform aims to support the game developers to provide their own tokens for marketing means.

Source: MKinternet (https://m.news.naver.com/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=105&oid=009&aid=0004247747)

