GameXCoin, launching a true blockchain for games!

Jeeyong Um
Published in
5 min readDec 31, 2018

Hi, I’m Conrad of GameXCoin. We are pleased to announce the release of GameXCoin’s mainnet today, as of Dec 31st 2018. I’d like to share some news about GameXCoin’s long-awaited mainnet and future plans.

GameXCoin Mainnet

As you may know, the source code of GameXCoin (GXC) is based on that of the EOS blockchain. However, in order to optimize performance in games, the operation should be done differently than EOS mainnet. EOS, which is a general purpose blockchain, has many limitations in responding to various types of decentralized applications from its launch, but GXC operates for distinct purposes, allowing more resources to be allocated to essential functions.

The first GXC mainnet has the following features:

  • Consortium blockchain with 4 certified block producers (BPs)
  • No cost to game operations by certified game companies (excluding escrow deposits for initial issue of game tokens)
  • No cost to users of game play (excluding token transactions for personal purposes)

At the consortium stage, as affiliated BPs provide resources for the operation of blockchain, we do not provide separate compensation for the creation of blocks. This is different from other blockchains where the volume of token is expected to increase due to inflation for rewards. However, the details may vary depending on the following update for governance, public transitions, etc.

Traditional blockchains limit the use of smart contacts by charging some resources, as anyone can deploy them and attack them in a malicious manner. EOS’s CPU/NET/RAM and Etherium’s Gas have been successful in preventing attacks on blockchains, but application developers have been burdened with excessive costs from the launch of the services, thus hindering the emergence of successful DApp developments.

The GXC mainnet, which can expect an increase in inter-exchangeability to increase the value of the GXC and each game token simultaneously, operates in a way that promotes network expansion rather than hindering it, as Metcalfe’s law explains. Instead, to avoid costly malicious behavior, transaction processing will be prioritized in a way that ensures maximum game performance in the event of possible network congestion.[1]

GameXCoin Mainnet Features

Below are some of the differentiation of the GXC mainnet.

Free Account Creation

Even if it’s not a blockchain game, we don’t pay extra when we create accounts for game play. GXC does not charge users when they create a basic account for game play. Instead, to avoid resource depletion attacks, such steps as email authentication are taken to prevent unauthorized account creation.

Convenient Token Usage

Another barrier to using DApp is the user authentication process that occurs each time a transaction occurs. While it is risky not to authenticate to a token transfer with actual economic value, requiring authentication every time seriously hurts the user experience.

GXC accepts dual modes for the token balance. Just as the existing money in a game is issued, transmitted or frozen under the authority of the game company, the balance for daily use is placed in “Deposit” mode so that the game company can withdraw it under its authority when using it to purchase items within the game. Instead, the token is transferred to the “Balance” mode, which is stored separately in areas that the game company cannot arbitrarily control.

Low-cost Resource Allocation

Resources used by GXC are RAM and CPU/NET bandwidth, such as EOS. The difference is that the user’s token balance uses the system’s RAM rather than the user’s own RAM, significantly reducing the individual user’s RAM requirements. CPU/NET also uses the resources of the game company as it generates transactions under the game company’s rights when using tokens in the game. (Game companies are operating at a much lower cost than EOS main-net because they are subject to special resource management policies.)

Contract Deployment

At this stage, the deployment of smart contacts for individual users is limited. Instead of allowing a wide range of low-cost resources, it limits the use of resources. This may change with subsequent governance policy changes.

GameXCoin Mainnet Development Process

GXC is an EOSIO-based blockchain and is involved in the development of EOSIO. Similar to EOS, which stands for blockchain OS [2], the core engine has minimal functionality and many functions are implemented through smart contacts, so a unique main-net can be configured just by modifying the smart contact. So, it is possible to create mainnets without having to have a deep understanding of the EOSIO internal engines.

As GXC has the highest level of development team in Korea in understanding EOSIO, it has been developed by modifying core engines more deliberately. However, the more modifications at the core, the more different the EOSIO open source project and code, making it difficult to accept the prior technology applied to EOSIO. At this stage, we believe it is more realistic to take full advantage of EOSIO than to go to a separate project, and we have developed a technology that can be used in EOS or other main-net as a direct contribution to EOSIO.

Therefore, unique operating practices on the GXC mainnet are often implemented at the smart contact level rather than at the core engine, providing more platform contacts (including system contacts). In addition, nodes and client software are offered differently than traditional EOS to address the change of the contract.[3]

In the future, the general-purpose functionality will be reflected in EOSIO, while any special policies or software modifications that are only applicable to GXC will be reflected in the GXC, which can be identified through our Github repository. Also, since we are developing it as an open source, please offer us bug fixes or new features for GXC without any pressure.

Github Repository @

[1] The maximum TPS for EOS is known to be 4,000, but during times of extremely limited CPU usage for individual users due to network congestion, the TPS falls far behind. This is due to cost constraints, not performance issues, limiting the use of resources by individual users.

[2] OS means platform software that can operate other applications, such as Windows, Linux, and Android, which is well-known as the term operating system.

[3] gxnode (nodeos equivalent), gxcli (clos equivalent), gxkeyed (keosd equivalent)

