Monthly Report in December 2021

Published in
2 min readDec 31, 2021

Report on progress in December 2021.

monthly report

GAME GS Pad Development

The GS in GAME GS Pad stands for Governance & Staking, and its user-friendly web interface is currently under development.

User will be able to stake (delegate/undelegate/redelegate) and vote on GAME GS Pad by connecting to Keplr Wallet at the time of the GAME mainnet launch.

a part of web interface design

Roadmap Revision


The nibiru-3000 testnet will be conducted in January 2022. This testnet is open to everyone and the final adjustment before the mainnet launch. As for the bug discovered in the last testnet, we added a command to fix the App state (reference).

*There will be no incentives for participation this time.


After confirming the status of the nibiru-3000 testnet, the network will be in the final stage for the mainnet launch. The details will be announced when the launch date and time are fixed.

Token Swap for ICO holder

After the mainnet launch, a website for the token swap from ERC-20 ICO token ($MLD) to $GAME will be open.

Participation in HackATOM VI 2021

The main GAME developers also participated in HackATOM VI 2021 and developed a sample game using Secret Network’s secrecy system and CosmWasm’s NFT standard CW721. Although we didn’t achieve a prize, we learned a lot from the program. Please check here For more details.

The sample game we have developed in the hackathon is to carry out rock-paper-scissors on CosmWasm betting NFTs, taking advantage of the Secret Network’s ability of concealing system using TEE. Even though you are on a public blockchain, your moves are invisible to your opponents (third parties).


GAME is currently recruiting members of engineers who can develop original blockchain using Cosmos-SDK. Please feel free to contact us at Twitter if you are interested.

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GAME Project(Former MOLD project)

Co-Founder Takumi Asano / 朝野 巧己 (アサノタクミ)

For all game enthusiasts



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Cosmos Gaming Hub is a fair and secure distributed gaming platform which supports the development of new games and simplifies the trading of digital assets.