GameArter: A Tool for Game Management (1/2 — Game development phase)

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7 min readJul 11, 2018

GameArter helps developers in all phases of game development. From initial idea and inspiration, over development itself, till release phase connected with distribution, promotion, monetisation & analytics.

This article is a brief overview of GameArter’s automated services provided via GameArter SDK (further as GSDK).

GSDK makes game development simpler and faster by bringing full ready-to-use services and features. GSDK and its environment is composed from client & server-side environment. Every section is designed for different kind of a game configuration.

Usage of GameArter will be fully automated (currently distribution and promotion phase requires our assistance - wait for article 2/2 - Post-release phase) and contains following steps:

  1. Creating a game project

Once you have an idea or event ready game, you need to add the project of this game to GameArter system. By creating a project, you will get a unique signature (projectId) for placing to the game. Via this signature, the game will sign up itself during using gamearter services. Game project environment also associates all versions of certain game and options for their configuration.

2. Environment for game configuration:

Overview of game versions and access to their configuration

List of existing versions of one game and their state is managed automatically by client-side SDK which also posts current game configurations to server-side environment. Server-side environment is used for data visualisation and configuration of advanced features such as badges (achievements), leaderboards, in-app purchases, property management, external tools for displaying stories, and so on. Configuration options depends on selected interpreter.

Support of more versions of one game is useful for needs of testing game performance. (common or A/B tests). Every version can be configured individually in various modes (production, concept)

2.1 Activation of leaderboards, adding badges (Events configuration)

Leaderboards and badges are supported via so-called “events”. An event is any game action defined by developer. GameArter system recognizes events types and creates leaderboards above their data. By similar way, GameArter system autonomously distributes defined badges (achievements). All of this is automatical and does not need any programming.

Events configuration. By activating leaderboards, GameArter system starts to generate and count leaderboards for values of the event for 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, and all the time. This feature is currently in development with release planned by the end of summer. Other options are the same important — by setting rewards, you can reward players for playing (part of game design / progress) or configure initial event without need of rebuilding the game. This may be useful in a case where there are dependent game features on value of a certain event.
Adding and configuration of badges. Badges and rewards associated with them are distributed automatically after achieving an event value. A developer can use own images for badges or select one from a collection of badges created by us.

2.2 Adding in-game purchases / generating shop (packages / property configuration)

Availability of packages and property configuration depends on a mode GSDK is running in.

2.2.1 Packages configuration
Packages are the easiest way to connect a game with GRT currency token even when the game uses own game currency. Currency conversion between these two different currencies is possible in both directions, exchange ratio is controlled by GameArter currency engine. Beside currency, GameArter allows also exchange of GRT token for various game-based comodities.

Environment for packages management. A developer can add own package images or select one from the images collection.

2.2.2 Items shop configuration

GSDK allows to automatically generate in-game shop with game items and accessories or any different property on few clicks. GameArter shop manager allows additional configurations via which a developer can set very easily important things in regard to the game design ((time of unlocking items (guns, cars, maps…)), prices of items, define upgrades for every item in various modes, availability of items, stack management, and so on. All then works fully automatically and does not require any programming skills. In this mode, GRT token is a native currency of the game.

Full SDK mode is right now in the testing period with planned release by the end of summer.

Item configuration. With initial accessories, there is possible to connect items with accessories (e.g. gun 1 + stack 3 + sightseeing 6. Stack section allows to fill user’s inventory (e.g. weapons on hot keys)
One of the options for upgrades configuration. Every item property allows its own upgrades configuration. Prices are controlled by GameArter property price engine.

2.2.3 Native In-app purchases
Via possibility to buy GRT token for FIAT money, currency conversion indirectly brings native in-app purchases into every game connected with GRT token.

2.3 More tools to use

Cutscenes module

Every game contains many data-weight cutscenes, stories and animations which are displayed calmly only one time for the whole game. GSDK helps to reduce game filesizes by providing a story module — an option for downloading these stories from external storage only in a time when it’s required.

Stories configuration

2.4 Environment for data visualization and manipulation

Data visualisation is a useful tool during development. A developer can change his data on basis of needs while all other data affected by its changes are updated automatically as well.

Property ownership and market

In Lite and especially in Full GSDK mode, all data are currently stored and managed by GameArter system. After tuning the system, we are going to add a blockchain-based background. This will allow portability or leasing of game items between accounts for free, or by exchange in the GameArter market.

2.5 Files uploading

After tunning the game and its connections with GameArter’s in-game engine, a developer must upload the game files to GameArter system for the possibility to test the game in real environment as well as for its updating. In the future, we are going to open GSDK also for games using 3rd party servers.

2.7 Test environment

GameArter is currently focused on native games with minimum barriers for users entries. Currently, we provide full support for Unity engine (webgl games) + we are starting to work on adding a solution for HTML5 games (desktop + mobile). Next phase will be adding support for mobile games at Google play and App store.

On the web, games run in GameArter gameplayer

3) Environment for gameplayer configuration

GameArter gameplayer provides many various modules allowing monetisation, increasing user engagement, promotion options, and keeping a connection between developer and players by development log or discussions.

Configuration happens in GameArter GUI and directly affects GameArter gameplayer.

Images below are from various games, because not every game uses all modules. GameArter gameplayer can run under any brand, see PacoGames brand at the images below.

3.1 General game informations: A space where a developer can describe its game and controls for its playing. 3.2 Social sites and other stores: A space for adding links to social sites of the game or developer as well as other versions of games a user can play (google play/app store, Amazon underground, Steam)
3.3 Game videos: A space for placing videos presenting the game, its gameplay or developer himself/herself.
3.4 Discussions: Great place to let people discuss about your game and be in connection with them. Developer has always a label “Developer” next to his name.
3.5 Profile: Module of user’s GameArter profile. This is a place where a user can edit his personal data.
3.6 Sharing: Via sharing module (provided by addThis), a user can share the game by any way he/she wants.
3.7 Feedback: Module for reporting bugs, ideas and other types of feedback.
3.8 Badges: User interface for displaying badges.
3.9 More games: User interface for displaying other games
3.10 Leaderboards: User interface for displaying leaderboards.

3.11 Development log: Development timeline. A place you can inform about things in development and create polls for things users want to have in the game. Release time: Winter 2018.

3.12 Other GamePlayer modules:

3.12.1 Loading screen: Display various loading images during waiting time to keep users interested.
3.12.2 User authentication window
3.12.3 Packages shop
3.12.4 Automatically Generated items manager / shop
3.12.5 Item detail of automatically generated item manager / shop
3.12.6 In-game Ads player. Support of all type of ads and providers. Fully customizable ads.
3.12.7 In-game stories player for videos, images and animations.

4) Environment for publication, distribution and monetisation

Game release agreements

Once all services are filled and tested, a developer can release some game version by confirming required agreements. In a case of first release, a developer will get a production game link to spread. In a case of already existing production version, the production version will be replaced by the new version and production link will remain same.

Brand & monetisation configuration

Game setting can be customized for every website individually. It includes game mode (full game, demo version, showcase…), brand logos, external links and monetisation settings. By default, we run the games in optimum settings while developers may check settings in any time they want. Next updates will bring possibility for developers to customize the settings themselves, meanwhile they can send us a ticket for customization and we will make it for them.

Next time we will look at GameArter services for post-release development phase. Especially, distribution, promotion, monetisation, and tracking game performance (analytics, users behavior, game crashes).

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In collaboration with developers, publishers and players, GameArter creates a new gaming economy.