AMA Recap: Carry Protocol’s Transition into GameBuild — A New Era in Game Infrastructure

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9 min readMay 21, 2024

After the merger of Carry and SLG, the new game infrastructure protocol, GameBuild, was formed. The project integration and token swap are proceeding smoothly, with exchanges actively cooperating on the token swap and airdrops. Next, the on-chain token swap will be live soon. To increase recognition of GameBuild within the community and to provide users with a comprehensive understanding of the project’s history, merger progress, and development plans, we have worked closely with vibrant communities to host Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions to share the latest project updates. We welcome everyone to follow our social media channels and stay tuned for more news and events!

On Tuesday, May 21th, at 8:00 PM UTC+9, GameBuild’s CTO Andy Pan (formerly the CTO of Carry Protocol) joined the KOOB Crypto Telegram chat room for an online AMA. The host and community members posed many insightful questions, and Andy Pan, on behalf of the project team, provided detailed answers over the course of an hour. Here is a summary of this AMA session as below.

Host: Hello, KOOB Crypto members, thank you for participating in today’s AMA. 🙌🏻 I am the Noob Intern of KOOB Crypto, who is the host of today’s AMA. We’re very honored to have Andy, CTO of GameBuild, as our guest. Hello Andy, please briefly introduce yourself and GameBuild.

Andy Pan: Hello, and thanks Noob for hosting this AMA. I’m thrilled to be here with such a great community.

I’m Andy Pan, a developer with a background in computer science from my undergraduate and master’s studies. My interest in crypto began with theoretical studies of cryptography and information theory.

After receiving my master’s degree at the National University of Singapore, I joined Grab’s Experimentation Platform team, where I helped expanding our service to absorb 10PB data per year,impacting millions in Southeast Asia. Later, I established a new data department at AirAsia. In 2023, I joined Carry Protocol, now GameBuild, where we’re building the next generation of game infrastructure.

GameBuild is a powerful toolkit for developers, gamers, and advertisers, merging traditional and Web3 gaming. Previously known as Carry Protocol, which supported online and offline commerce, GameBuild now focuses on creating innovative in-game advertising and robust game infrastructure.

Host: Could you dive deeper into the strategic reasons behind Carry Protocol’s transition to a new business model? How does this shift align with the evolving landscape of Web3, and what specific challenges in the advertising industry does it aim to overcome?

Andy Pan: Carry Protocol transitioned to a game infrastructure model due to evolving market needs and gaming trends. Traditional advertising struggles in the complex Web3 space, so Carry Protocol aims to provide tailored, engaging ads through games, fostering deeper user interaction.

The gaming industry’s growth offers new opportunities for innovative advertising and blockchain integration, enhancing user experiences with tradable in-game assets. This attracts a broader audience and creates new revenue streams.

GameBuild leverages blockchain expertise to ensure user data control, building trust and participation. By addressing traditional advertising inefficiencies, GameBuild creates a decentralized, equitable ad ecosystem, integrating seamless ads into games for a more engaging experience.

Host: For CRE holders, understanding the token swap process is crucial. Can you explain in more detail the swap rules for CRE holders on exchanges and on-chain wallets? How does GameBuild ensure a smooth and seamless transition for token holders during the swap process?

Andy Pan: There are two types of situations. For those who hold CRE tokens on major exchanges, no action is required. We have worked closely with major exchanges to ensure a smooth swap and the holdings will automatically be converted to $GAME tokens directly by the exchanges.

Once an exchange suspends its CRE token deposits and withdrawals, the Carry team will communicate with relevant exchange staff to figure out the total amount of CRE held by this exchange. After the number is confirmed, the Carry team will then transfer the corresponding amount of GAME to this exchange. The exchange will then conduct the swap from CRE to GAME at a 1:1 ratio respectively.

For individual on-chain wallet holders, a token swap entry will be provided through Carry’s official website. Stay tuned to our official channels where holders can access via links on our website. Please stay tuned to our Twitter and Website

Host: What specific monetization strategies are available for developers using the GameBuild platform? Can you discuss various revenue streams and how developers can maximize their earnings?

Andy Pan: GameBuild offers developers innovative monetization strategies to maximize earnings. One key method is in-game advertising through spot-based ads, seamlessly integrated into the game environment. These ad spots, which can be visual, auditory, or interactive, can be auctioned to the highest bidder.

Another significant strategy is tokenizing in-game assets. Developers can create NFTs or fungible tokens for items like characters, skins, and virtual goods. These assets can be traded, sold, and auctioned on NFT marketplaces. Revenue streams include primary sales, secondary market royalties, and in-game purchases.

By utilizing GameBuild’s comprehensive SDK, developers can create engaging, profitable, and sustainable gaming experiences, boosting their earnings and contributing to the Web3 gaming ecosystem’s growth.

Host: What types of partnerships is GameBuild seeking to establish post-merger, and what benefits do these collaborations bring to the platform? Can you provide examples of recent partnerships, such as with Catizen?

Andy Pan: GameBuild is partnering with game developers, blockchain platforms, ad networks, and tech providers to enhance its ecosystem. Collaborations with traditional and blockchain-based developers, including indie studios, help integrate GameBuild’s SDK and monetize games. Utilizing blockchain networks like Ethereum and BSC chains ensure compatibility and improve scalability.

By working with ad agencies, GameBuild brings high-quality ads to the platform, boosting revenue through targeted in-game advertising. Integrations with analytics providers offer insights into player behavior, while cybersecurity partnerships ensure data security. Engaging with gaming communities and esports organizations promotes the platform and attracts users.

GameBuild also plans to integrate with NFT marketplaces for better asset trading. Collaborations with educational institutions focus on new technology research. A partnership with Catizen highlights these efforts, exploring game SDK development for a better user experience and improved asset liquidity.

We are partnering with more game projects in our pipeline, for example, we just announced partnership with Space Nation today, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game, we will work with Space Nation to integrate advanced blockchain game SDK and enhanced in-game experiences to expand our GameBuild ecosystem.

Link to tweet:

Host: What is the purpose behind the 3% airdrop of the $GAME token to CRE holders, and how is it structured? Can you discuss the intended outcomes of this airdrop in terms of community engagement, loyalty rewards, and ecosystem participation?

Andy Pan: The airdrop rewards loyal community members for their unwavering support, especially during the transition to the new $GAME token.

Allocation: 3% of the $GAME token supply, totaling 642,589,182 tokens, worth over $4.5 mil USD now.

Distribution: The airdrop will be distributed in four rounds to ensure a steady and equitable distribution. The first round will be announced through exchanges and official channels, with subsequent rounds occurring every three months until the airdrop is fully distributed.

Eligibility: A snapshot of CRE holdings will be taken to determine eligibility for the airdrop. For those holding CRE tokens on major exchanges, the airdrop will be conducted automatically with the support of these exchanges. Individual wallet holders will be able to claim their tokens through a token airdrop-claim mechanism available on the project’s official channels.

By distributing the new tokens $GAME in a fair and structured manner, GameBuild aims to build a strong and resilient community that contributes to the project’s ongoing success and growth. It will enhance the community engagement and user retention, and build trust and strengthens the relationship between the project and our community. A wider token distribution ensures that a larger number of users are involved in the ecosystem, boosting broader adoption and engagement, which is also good for liquidity and price stability.

Hope that answers your questions.

Live Question 1: Can you elaborate on the vision and strategic goals of GameBuild following the merger of Carry and SLG?

Andy Pan: Following the merger of Carry and SLG, GameBuild aims to revolutionize Web3 gaming by creating a comprehensive, blockchain-integrated game infrastructure. Our vision is to bridge the gap between Web2 and Web3 games, enhancing user experience through seamless blockchain integration and innovative monetization strategies. By developing a robust SDK, fostering community engagement, and forming strategic partnerships, like our recent partnerships with Catizen and Space Nation, to integrate advanced blockchain game SDK and enhanced in-game experiences to expand the GameBuild ecosystem.

Live Question 2: How is the team structured? Are there any major changes from the existing team?

Andy Pan: This merger was not only about technology, but also about the team. Both Carry and SLG’s team have been operating for several years. The new core members are Grant(as Co-CEO) and Andy Pan (as CTO) from Carry, Kolomoitsev Artur(as Co-CEO) from SLG.Games.

I have introduced myself at the beginning. And I think you’re also familiar with Grant Sohn who has founded Carry Protocol. As a Seattle native, Grant Sohn graduated from Stanford and has invaluable experience in leveraging blockchain and advertising technology, which has been successfully applied into the physical store domain.

Let me also give us a brief introduction of Kolomoitsev Artur who founded SLG.GAMES. He has 5 years of management experience in the Internet and blockchain, 2 years of experience in the gaming industry. He has started the business in the field of Web3 and NFT Game since 2021, and carried out blockchain game incubation, marketing, and publishing.

The merger will lead to the combination of three talented leaders mentioned above, and the two teams will collaborate and work closely towards the same goal. We will continue to strive to make our team more global and technologically robust.

Live Question 3: How does GameBuild support game developers in integrating blockchain technology?

Andy Pan: GameBuild supports game developers by providing a comprehensive SDK that simplifies blockchain integration. Our SDK includes tools for identity management module, asset management module, security protection module, Ad management module, and data analysis module, making it easy for developers to incorporate blockchain elements into their games. Furthermore, GameBuild will offer detailed documentation, step-by-step guides, and dedicated support to help developers navigate the integration process. We also foster a collaborative community where developers can share insights and best practices. Through these resources and ongoing assistance, GameBuild empowers developers to create innovative and engaging blockchain-based gaming experiences.

Live Question 4: How does the $GAME token function within the GameBuild ecosystem? Can you explain its utility in governance, transactions, as well as any additional features or benefits for token holders?

Andy Pan: Let’s elaborate the utility of $GAME in three aspects:

1. Auction Marketplace. Users can use new tokens as collateral to create an auction marketplace. The marketplace creator can adjust its parameters, and manage the transaction process, but cannot manipulate the transaction outcomes. The main responsibility of the creator is to regulate participant behavior and to mitigate certain attacks that are currently difficult to prevent against the VCG mechanism.

2. Governance. Game tokens empower holders with governance rights, allowing them to influence crucial platform decisions, from customizing auction mechanisms to choosing development directions. This governance model ensures the ecosystem to evolve in line with GAME holder’s interests, fostering a collaborative and democratic environment.

3. Membership. Participants can obtain membership through payment and by providing collateral, which includes access to data analysis, market advice, and additional services such as identity management, asset management, security protection, and SDK provision.

Live Question 5: In the rapidly growing field of Web3 gaming, what sets GameBuild apart from other blockchain gaming infrastructure protocols?

Andy Pan: GameBuild sets itself apart in the Web3 gaming field through its comprehensive SDK, which simplifies blockchain integration for developers, and its focus on seamless user experiences. Unique advantages include intuitive asset management, robust security features, and support for both Web2 and Web3 games, fostering interoperability.

Additionally, GameBuild’s commitment to community engagement, regular updates, and extensive developer support helps drive innovation and ensures a vibrant, active ecosystem. and the enhanced community engagement governance model allows players to participate in game development and updates, aimed at cultivating a loyal player community.

This AMA provided the community with a deeper understanding of the GameBuild project’s background and development plans. We thank all the community members for participating in this session and look forward to your continued attention and support as GameBuild progresses.

About GameBuild

GameBuild is a next-generation game infrastructure with powerful toolkits, bringing a brand new economics and experience for Gamers, Developers and Advertisers. With GameBuild, advertisements can be embedded within all the virtual spaces of each game.

GameBuild has partnerships with Citizen, Space Nation, tbook, Puffverse, Genesis Universe, etc.. GameBuild (GAME) is listed on Upbit, HTX, Bitget,, MEXC, OrangeX, XT,com.

Learn more: GameBuild Litepaper

Official channels




GameBuild is a next-generation game infrastructure with powerful toolkits,bringing a brand new economics and experience for Gamers, Developers and Advertisers